19. Replacing The Old

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According to my friends
You already found someone new

Hongjoong woke up to the sound of his phone ringing. It had been a couple of days since he and San broke up and he found out from Yunho that San had gone off and disappeared off the face of the earth again. Through half opened eyes he checked the caller ID and saw that it was Yeosang who was calling him.

"Hello?" He said tiredly, leaving the phone on speaker as he was not bothered to hold it up against his ear.

"Hongjoong? You're still sleeping?"

"Yeosang it's 8am and summer break, of course I'm still sleeping. If its not important I'm hanging up."

"Wait! I'm at your door, open up," he said.

"There's a key under the mat, get in yourself," Hongjoong replied, though his voice sounded very slurred. He hung up and began to fall asleep again, until he heard Yeosang's voice.

"What the hell happened in here?" Yeosang's voice exclaimed. "Were you drinking since you left my apartment or something?"

Hongjoong grunted to say 'yes' then continued his slumber. Yeosang looked at his friend and sighed.

"Get up! I didn't come here for no reason y'know."

"What do you want? Just take it and go," Hongjoong mumbled.

Yeosang rolled his eyes. "Before I dump cold water on you, get your ass out of bed and in the living room, you have two minutes."

As Yeosang was leaving, Hongjoong let out a groan of frustration, kicking around before forcing himself out of the bed. He picked up the blanket and pulled it over his head and around his body, then waddled into the living room and collapsed onto the couch.

"This better be good," he grumbled.

"Here," Yeosang said, passing a newspaper to him.

"Who on earth still buys these," Hongjoong said.

"Shut up and read it," he said, hastily flipping to one of the pages and shoving it in front of Hongjoong's face.

Hongjoong sighed, looking at the words. They didn't make sense at first since he had just woken up, but when he could finally read it, he gasped.

"Since when!?" He exclaimed. "T-theyre not... are they?"

"I don't know what's really going on, but remember the news about Wooyoung and San two days ago? This is how both businesses dealt with it. They say that San and Wooyoung are actually dating!" Hongjoong was lost for words. Yeosang continued. "Wooyoung isn't answering texts or his phone."

"What about San?" He asked.

"I don't know... I didn't try to call him coz I heard he's not even in Seoul right now."

"I have to talk to Wooyoung!" Hongjoong said, suddenly standing up.

"Are you even sober right now?" Yeosang asked, concern in his voice.

"Of course I am!"

"Did you drink all this by yourself?" Yeosang gestures to the empty bottles and cans.

"Maybe... but I'm fine! Really!" Hongjoong said. "Lemme get dressed, I have to go talk to Wooyoung."

"Hongjoong this is serious! I know you don't want me to ask, but where are you even getting the money for all these drinks? You're not even working and what about your dad's hospital-"

"I'm taking him off life support," Hongjoong said suddenly, startling Yeosang.

"What the hell? Why? When?" The questions came flying out of Yeosang's mouth due to his surprise.

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