10. To Tell You The Truth

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Doubt is a poison that disintegrates the truth

"What's up San?" Wooyoung said as San approached him. "I'm done checking out, so we can go to the ferry now."

"You tell the others," San mumbled. He grabbed his own luggage and was about to walk off, but Wooyoung held him back.

"What happened?"

"I'll tell you later," he said shaking his head. Wooyoung nodded and called the others to come. Then he and San led them all to the dock.

They boarded and San sat on the edge of his seat, watching the waves in a spiteful manner. He looked over at Hongjoong who seemed to be staring at the floor and zoning out.

"Something definitely happened..." he mumbled to himself.

When they reached the mainland dock, they got onto the minibus prepared by Wooyoung's father to get back into the city. A while later, they reached Wooyoung's house and everyone got out to stretch.

"Are you all gonna go home straight away?" Wooyoung asked.

"It's pretty late so yeah," Yunho said, yawning. "We left our cars parked somewhere here..."

"My valets parked them in with the other cars, I'll get someone to bring them here."

"Damn Wooyoung! You have valets too? You're literally living like a prince," Mingi joked.

"Do you have that stuff too San?" Yunho asked curiously.

"Yeah but not as many as Wooyoung," San replied.

"We knew you guys were rich but why is this mind-blowing?" Mingi questioned.

San looked over at Hongjoong, knowing this conversation must be making him uncomfortable. Hongjoong seemed to be just fine though, being comforted by Yeosang. San had to admit he found it strange how Yeosang and Hongjoong were acting.

He hasn't been around Hongjoong all day. Would he still be like an annoying wasp if he spoke to Hongjoong now?

The cars pulled up beside them and the valets emerged, handing the both Yunho and Hongjoong their car keys.

San approached Hongjoong. Since they came together he assumed they'd go back together too. Maybe he'd finally get a chance to speak to him.

"Let's go Joongie," he said with a small smile, tugging at the boy's sleeve.

Hongjoong retracted his hand. "I have somewhere to go, could you go home with the others?"

Hongjoong's voice sounded so distant that it hurt San. He thought back to the previous night. Hongjoong promised they weren't breaking up, so why was he being like this now?

"O-ok... but can we talk before you go?" San asked. "There's something I want to talk about."

"Can it wait? I really have to go," Hongjoong replied.

"I guess..." he mumbled. He watched Hongjoong pull his luggage into the trunk of the car and then get in and drive off.

He didn't know why, but he was stunned. What was going on...?

"You coming San?" Yunho asked. Him, Mingi and Yeosang were standing beside their stuff, waiting for him to join them.

San didn't feel like going home to his empty room. He rubbed his eyes to hide the tears he felt welling up and faced them.

"Woo, can I stay with you?"

"Fine by me," he shrugged, knowing that San had something to rant about. The others piled into Yunho's car and said goodbye.

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