31. Counselling

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So just breathe for a second
I know you're feeling so damn helpless

He finally realised what was happening. He turned to Seonghwa, trying hard not to raise his voice.

"Seonghwa what is going on?" San asked angrily. "What did you tell my parents?"

"San calm down I-"

"I should've known this was coming," San said with a strained laugh, trying to hold back his tears. "You really didn't believe me. You think everything I told you is fake. You think I'm crazy, don't you?"

"San it's not like that-"

"What the fuck did you tell my parents?" San shouted. "Why is my dad suddenly sending me here? This isn't a coincidence that they just happen to send me to a psychiatrist after you told me that you think my visions are coping mechanisms! You told them everything, didn't you?"

"San, I didn't tell them anything like that," Seonghwa said. "Your secrets are still safe with me." He tried to put a reassuring hand on San's shoulder, but San moved away, furious with his older cousin.

"Get out of my way," San said, attempting to walk out. Seonghwa only continued to block the exit, which infuriated San even more.

"Hear me out," Seonghwa said. "I didn't tell your parents anything. And I do believe in you. I just wanted you to come here and talk about it, maybe there's a medical explanation, right? We looked at other possibilities, but not medic-"

"This isn't a medical problem!" San shouted. "It's real. I know it is. Why don't you believe me? I've shared everything with you Seonghwa. You've seen my proof-"

"San that isn't proof. You still haven't been able to prove anything," Seonghwa attempted to reason with San, but it wasn't working. By this time, the other person in the room had managed to creep around and close the door, locking it.

"I think it's best if we have a chat, what do you think San?" The man named Lee Seoho asked.

"I'm not doing this, I didn't ask for an appointment," San was adamant.

"That is true, but I can see that there is something happening in your life, and it seems to be concerning several people. I think it would be best for everyone if we just had a little talk. Just you and me," Seoho said with a smile on his face.

Seoho placed a calming hand on San's shoulder and directed him to a seat. San's breathing was still heavy from the anger he felt and from the betrayal he just experienced. He trusted Seonghwa so much that it felt like a punch in the gut when he realised that Seonghwa didn't believe him.

"Seonghwa, could you leave the room," Seoho asked. Seonghwa sighed and nodded, unlocking the door.

As he was about to step out, his mother and father arrived, worried looks on their faces.

"Where is he?" How did he take it?" His mother asked frantically.

"Of course, everyone was in on this stupid plan," San scoffed.

"Honey we just want what's best for you," she said, stepping closer in attempt to caress her son's cheek, but San wouldn't let her anywhere near him.

"Make them leave," San told Seoho. The psychiatrist nodded, stood up from his chair and ushered them outside. Then he closed the door and sat back down at his desk again.

"So, I'm just going to ask you a couple of questions and all you need to do is answer them in as much depth as you are comfortable with. Just treat this like a regular conversation. Is that ok?" Seoho explained, taking out a form and pen.

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