15. Remember

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Am I getting closer to knowing where I belong?
Or am i creating more mistakes that i'll regret?

The sun had risen, it's glare blocked by the blackout curtains in Yeosang's bedroom. The said boy was sleeping calmly, not realising that the thing he was holding wasn't his pillow.
His eyes fluttered open, widening when he saw Hongjoong's face beside him. He was about to scream, but managed to stop himself so that he didn't wake the sleeping boy.

Yeosang peeled himself away from Hongjoong's body as carefully as he could. On his way out of the bedroom, he grabbed his robe, placing it over his bare body. Yeosang collapsed on the couch, burying his face in his hands.

"What do I do?" He mumbled to himself. He pulled out his phone, debating on who he should call, finally deciding on his last resort: Mingi.

"Yeosang?" Mingi's sleepy voice said. "Why are you calling so early?"

"It's almost noon," Yeosang replied dryly.

"Is something wrong?" He asked. "You don't usually call me unless you're desperate."

"I- I slept with Hongjoong!" He blurted out, feeling too many emotions at the same time.

"What!?" Mingi exclaimed.

"Or he slept with me? I don't know! We just had-"

"I get the idea. What happened exactly?"

Yeosang explained briefly from what he could remember, stumbling over his words through panic.

"And you didn't try to stop him?" Mingi asked when he was finished.

"Yes... but not really. I don't know why I didn't say anything! I just- ugh I don't know," he kept muttering to himself. There was a silence on the other end. "Can you say something? Don't let me freak out on my own."

"How come you decided to call me first?"

"Good question, you're pretty useless at comforting."

"Exactly, so why didn't you call San or Wooyoung?"

"Well how would I tell San that I slept with his boyfriend?" Yeosang asked. "And I can't talk to Wooyoung about it because he'd probably end up telling San."

"And Yunho?" Mingi asked, a tone of suspicion in his voice.

"I- I just decided to tell you, why are you asking so many questions?" Yeosang replied hastily.

"You like Yunho too much to tell him that you slept with someone else right?"

"Can you shut up? This isn't about him right now," Yeosang snapped.

"Fine fine. Well... what do you want to do now?"

"I don't know what to do..."

"Well how about you talk to Hongjoong about it first and decide together?" Mingi suggested.

"Wow you can actually have ideas that make sense sometimes," Yeosang said sarcastically.

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