8. I'll Believe You...

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So please
Tell me it's alright


The atmosphere in the cabin that night was extremely awkward. Hongjoong was extremely upset and distant, whereas San had no idea what happened. After a memory fit San often didn't remember much. The moment is always a daze to him.

At the moment, he was sat on the table with Wooyoung and Yeosang. Hongjoong was on the sofa with Yunho and Mingi. The cabin was filled with silence. No one knew what to actually say.

Finally Mingi broke the silence. "I'm sorry for not believing you and almost drowning you," he said quietly.

San sighed. "It's ok, just please never do it again."

"Are you sure you're okay though?" Yeosang asked. "You were a little out of it when you regained consciousness..."

San looked around nervously. "I- I was just scared. That's all. I mean I almost died."

"Fair enough," Yeosang shrugged, sitting back and taking San's excuse.

On the couch, Hongjoong was moody and didn't say a word to anyone. Yunho looked at him sympathetically. He nudged San for him to go and talk to San. Hongjoong sighed, standing up and ready to break the awkward silence.

"San come with me," Hongjoong said before grabbing a jacket and keycard and patiently waiting for San by the door. The younger nervously did as he was told and followed Hongjoong out of the front door. They walked in silence through the dark trees, through the main cabin and towards the beach. When they arrived, Hongjoong sat down on the sand and San did the same. San was about to speak but Hongjoong beat him to it.

"I don't want us to fight Sannie," he said, looking out at the sea.

"Me either," San replied shortly. After a few seconds, he spoke again. "Neither of us want a fight, so tell me what's bothering you."

"It's the fact that you won't tell me what's bothering you."

"Oh Joongie... I said I'd tell you when I'm ready."

"When will that be?" He asked, the abruptness of the question making San surprised. "I don't want to doubt you San, but I can't help but feel like you don't trust me at all. It's making me lose my trust in you..."

"You know I don't want you to feel like that. I promise when it's all sorted, I'll tell you." San attempted to hold Hongjoong's hand, but the older moved it away.

"Who is Hongsik?" He asked unexpectedly, making San look at him in confusion.


"Are you seriously asking me that?" Hongjoong sounded angry, and it made San upset.

"I don't know what you're talking about, I've never heard of someone with the name Hongsik."

"You've said his name many times," Hongjoong said, exasperated. "At your house, you were screaming for him, and as soon as you gained consciousness today, you asked for him straight away!"

"Hongjoong I swear I don't know what you're talking about," San said, racking his brain for an image of who that person could be.

Hongjoong sighed. "Fine, I'll believe you..."

"You don't sound very convinced."

"I'm not, but all I can do is trust that you're telling me the truth. I'm not in your head San, I don't know what you're thinking."

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