30. Curiousity

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I have these dreams where I'm me again
And they almost feel like they're real

"I just have to tell you. I can't let another tragedy take place... not again."

"What tragedy? What is going on?" San asked, desperate to hear what the old man has to say.

"The truth is... all those years ago, the boy who died on the bridge... is my son," Mr Park began, causing San to gasp. San wanted to ask, but wanted to let his words flow out because it seemed to be something painful for Mr Park to talk about. "My precious son..." San heard Mr Park sniffle on the other end, and he waited patiently for the story that was to come.

"He had the same issue that you did. The things that you call memories. They tore him apart."

"Did he ever talk about... what he saw?" San asked carefully.

"He did. He often talked about a boy. Someone he was so madly in love with that he had to find him. He just had to. He drew up complicated diagrams in his bedroom walls and schemes to get his lover back. He was desperate on finding the boy he loved to complete his story... and everyone thought he was crazy," Mr. Park laughed bitterly. "I did too. It was something that I had never come across, in fact after he passed, I had never seen another like him. That was until I met you."

San took a while to process this. He was just as shocked when he knew that the boy who died suffered the same way he did, but he was even more surprised to hear how similar they really were. Just like San, the boy covered his walls with clues and just like how San continued to search for the faceless man, the boy searched for his lover. The thought of such similarities brought chills down San's spine.

"What made you decide to tell me this?" San asked, his voice was delicate as he began to feel overwhelmed by his thoughts.

"Like I said, I can't let another tragedy take place. I lost my son because of those visions. They forced him to his grave. He died searching for those answers and it breaks my heart to think about. How can I just let you go when I see all the same signs in you as I did in him?"

"B-But I would never-"

"You'll never end your own life? You maybe be able to see the past, but can you foresee the future?" Mr. Park scolded.

"Thank you for your concern, but I can't just drop my research like that. I've put in too much effort... I've lost too much... even if I were to give up, I will never get my life back. Trust me, I've tried."

"Curiosity has its own reason for existing, my dear boy," Mr. Park said. "I won't ask you to stop, but I want to help you. Those memories are vicious and they won't let you go so easily."

San sighed heavily. "I wish there was just some way to make it stop," he whispered.

"They won't stop. The story isn't over San," Mr. Park said.

"What story?" San questioned.

"After thinking about it for a while, I realised something. Think of your memories as a book, an unfinished one... maybe the way to end it once and for all is to finish the book," Mr. Park explained.

San thought about this for a while and realised that the old man had a point. When he thought of it in that way, it made a little more sense. It was a possible explanation as to why he saw them... maybe he was chosen to find the ending of this love story.

"San, I know this is sudden but is there any chance you can come back to Busan? I want to show you some things and maybe discuss this further."

"I'll come tomorrow. I have classes in the morning and then I'll grab the evening train to Busan. I can spend the weekend there," San said.

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