33. Paintings

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I'm ready to forgive you,
but forgetting is a harder fight

"You don't think of him as your best friend at all. You like him. You like San. Don't you?"

Wooyoung blinked and his anger faltered. "W-what are you talking about?"

"You think no-one will notice just because you play it off as 'best friend'?" Seonghwa questioned, standing up.

"I don't like San like that," Wooyoung said. "I can't believe you think that."

"So, you weren't jealous every time he told you about his dates and you weren't secretly happy when he and Hongjoong hit a rough patch?"

"N-no you're just t-trying to-"

"You're stuttering."

"Stop it! I don't like San," Wooyoung said furiously. "I care about him. I care a lot. And clearly you don't care enough. So let go of me."

Seonghwa sighed and let go and Wooyoung picked up his phone and walked out of the elder's apartment. As soon as he got outside, he tried to call San.

"Wooyoung's calling," Hongjoong pointed out as San stared at the name flashing on his screen. Hongjoong looked at San and then at the phone again. "Aren't you going to answer it?"

"Why should I?" San said. "So that he can lecture me to come home?"

"No but I think it's worth hearing him out. We'll arrive soon." San nodded; he knew Hongjoong was right. He took a deep breath and answered the phone.

"San? San? Oh, thank God, I thought you wouldn't answer!" Wooyoung waited for a response, but he got nothing. "You're really mad at me, aren't you?"

"That's one way of putting it," San said. "I'm not mad. Just feeling... betrayed."

"I'm sorry, I don't know why I was listening to Seonghwa. He told me to go along with it because he thought that was best for you. But I know that you know what's best for you. You know what you're doing. And I believe you can do it. And I want to help you no matter how long it takes. I'm really really sorry. Will you forgive me?"

"Of course, I do, I knew it couldn't be your idea. How could I stay angry at you?" San said, smiling to himself. He knew his trust in Wooyoung couldn't be broken that easily.

Wooyoung let at a huge sigh of relief. "Where are you? Should I pick you up? You can stay at my place for as long as you want."

"Don't worry about me. I told you I had a train to catch. I missed it but managed to get on another one. We should be arriving soon."

"But I didn't pack your stuff," Wooyoung said quietly, feeling guilty again.

"I had a backup plan," San said with a shrug. "It was last minute, but its working out."

"What is it?"

"Hongjoong packed instead and then he picked me up and now we're on the train together."

"He's with you?" Wooyoung questioned. "Are you guys on good terms now? Are you back together?"

"Not exactly, but I'll update you if anything happens," San said. San hung up and pocketed his phone.

When they arrived, San stepped on to the platform and looked around for the old man. As his eyes fell on the man waiting on a bench, San quickly approached him.

"Ah there you are," Mr Park said. "It's quite late."

San looked at his watch and sighed when he saw that it was 10pm. "I ran into a problem at home, but it's all sorted now. Should we get going?"

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