5. Money is my Happiness

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Nobody needs to be lonely
Just say that word and you won't be


The sun was setting and San and his friends were out on the beach, watching it slowly disappear under the horizon. They decided that since they just arrived, they'd spend the day on the beach and get started on those activities the following day. At the moment, Yunho was holding the leaflet, so that they could plan.

"Wow! There's actually a lot more on here than I thought," he said as he skimmed the list.

"You wanna tell us what they are?" Hongjoong asked.

"Oh right! So there's a bunch of different water stuff, like canoeing, fishing, snorkelling, synchronised swimming, water polo and-"

"Is there anything without water?" Yeosang asked, stopping Yunho from continuing the long list.

"There's a bunch of stuff!" He exclaimed excitedly. "Archery, bungee jumping, meditation, hiking and nature walks, paintballing, dancing-"

"We get it, it's a lot of stuff," Wooyoung interupted him before he could go any further. "How on earth do people decide?"

"Don't all of these things cost money?" Hongjoong asked warily.

"Of course they do!" Mingi said. "We'll be counting on our dear San and Wooyoung to pay for it all."

"You're so shameless," Yeosang replied, shaking his head.

"They're rich as fuck, one tiny splurge and we could get kicked out from our houses, but they can do what they like!"

"Which is why me and San are going to have all the fun, isn't that right San?" Wooyoung said smugly, leaning forward and placing an arm around San tightly.

"Yep," San laughed with a smirk. "We'll think of you guys when loading those paintballing guns for sure."

"Oh come on! That's the one I want to do the most!" Mingi exclaimed. "Please please please please-"

"Calm down, I told you already that I've taken care of all the expenses. Even San won't have to pay a single penny," Wooyoung replied, making everyone laugh.

"Hongjoong you ok?" Yunho asked, bringing attention to the only one who wasn't smiling with them.

"I'm fine," Hongjoong replied. "I'll head back to the cabin, see you guys later." Hongjoong stood up and left the group, wandering off alone into the darkness.

"What's up with him?" Mingi asked.

"You know he's insecure about financial stuff, the conversation probably made him feel uncomfortable," Yeosang said, looking at the direction that Hongjoong walked off into.

"Way to go Mingi," Yunho said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

"What? Me? What did I do? It's not my fault he went and got himself two rich friends-"

"That's enough guys," San said, standing up and brushing the sand off himself. "I'll go and talk to him."

As San ran back to the cabin, Mingi sighed, muttering under his breath, "Yeah of course, send his rich boyfriend when he's upset about money."

"What is wrong with you?" Yunho nudged him, which just started a mini wrestling match between the two giants.


Hongjoong collapsed on the bed, staring at the ceiling. He loved his friends, but he hated any conversation about money, especially those where they joked about rich and poor. It shouldn't bother him really since he knows it's just a joke, but he couldn't help but feel upset.

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