38. Stories

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In the end we'll all become stories

"The napkin," the stranger said to Yunho, holding his hand out. Yunho blinked in surprised. Now they knew for sure that Wooyoung wasn't exaggerating.

"What are you doing?" Mingi whisper-shouted, nudging him. "Give it to him!"

Yunho took out the napkin with trembling fingers and handed it to the man, who pocketed it. "Thank you for cooperating." Then he walked out of the diner in the same direction Wooyoung, and his bodyguard left in.

"What the hell..." Yeosang said, finally letting out the breath he was holding. "I can't believe we had to give that to him! What did the napkin say?"

Yunho didn't say anything but walked out of the diner as well. Mingi and Yeosang looked at each other and followed him after quickly paying. They walked to Yunho's car, and all got inside.

"Yunho what is going on?" Yeosang asked. Yunho turned around in the driver's seat so that he could see Mingi and Yeosang.

"Give it to me," Yunho said putting his hand out. Yeosang looked at him in confusion, then watched Mingi pull out a napkin from under his sleeve. Yunho smiled. "Wooyoung is smart. He knew that someone would approach us for this. That's why he planted a fake one too."

Mingi laughed. "I was so confused when you shoved this in my hand!"

"So Mingi had the real one?" Yeosang said surprised.

Yunho nodded and took it out of his hand. "There's two phone numbers and an address."

"What do they mean?" Yeosang wondered.

"Only one way to find out," Mingi said, pulling out his phone and entering the first phone number. He held it in the centre of their makeshift circle. It rang for a long time before the call finally connected.

"You guys are so impatient!" Wooyoung's voice said exasperated. "I should've known you'd call immediately."

"Wooyoung?" The three of them said in unison, not expecting him to be the one to answer.

"I don't have much time, I told them that I was showering. Listen, I need you guys to call Hongjoong," Wooyoung said.

"Why?" Yeosang asked.

"San and Hongjoong are together right now."

"Wooyoung can you please tell us what's going on?" Mingi asked. "We're getting tired of how cryptic everything is."

Wooyoung sighed, the sound of water running suddenly got louder. The three boys leant closer to Mingi's phone so they could hear Wooyoung's voice clearer. "A couple of days ago, San was forced into a counselling session by his family. I was in on it but regretted it immediately and when I called him after that he was really upset with me. He turned to Hongjoong and he helped San run away to Busan. They're together right now and I don't actually know when they'll be coming back."

"Is that why you're being watched?" Yunho asked.

"Yep, the next day San's father was questioning me, and my dad was totally on his side. They were trying to get the same answers you guys wanted. They wanted to know where he was, who he is with, what he was doing, why he disappears all the time and what was wrong with him. San happened to call at the wrong time and they made me answer it so San could accidently reveal it himself. I stopped it though, completely destroying my phone and getting in a huge fight with San's dad."

"This is so intense," Yeosang whispered.

"San won't respond to anyone who calls him now. He's probably switched his phone off. I need you to call Hongjoong, give him this number and update them on what happened here," Wooyoung said. "I know San is going to beat himself up for leaving me in this situation."

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