9. An Angel's Secrets

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The truth doesn't cost anything
But a lie can cost you everything

"San wake up," Wooyoung said, shaking his friend slightly. "Wake up, wake up, wake up!"

Groggily, San sat up and rubbed his eyes. "What do you want Woo?"

"We need to talk," Wooyoung said, the hint of seriousness in his voice making San shake his head roughly in attempt to be fully awake.

"What is it?" San looked around the room as he waited for Wooyoung to answer. He noticed that Hongjoong was nowhere to be seen. His phone and their keycard seemed to be gone too, so that meant he must've gone out.

"Can we please talk about what happened yesterday?" Wooyoung asked. "I know you told me not to ask to many questions when you told me of this problem, but I'm your best friend. I want what's best for you and frankly, I think that sweeping every situation under the rug isn't healthy."

"What do you want to know exactly?" San said, defeated. He knew that Wooyoung was absolutely right and a part of him was begging to talk to someone about it.

"Well let's start off with what you saw?" he suggested. San nodded as he painfully retold the story of himself being chained to a seabed.

"A-and the guy, I've never seen anyone's face as clearly as his whenever I see a vision. I knew him, he seemed to be someone close to me, but I couldn't identify who he actually was."

Wooyoung saw the hurt in San's eyes as he spoke. He said, "Do you think it's that Hongsik guy that you keep mentioning?"

"I don't know why that name sounds familiar but I don't remember ever saying it..." San mumbled, trying to wrack his brain for an answer.

"Think back to the memories, is there anyone you think he could be?"

San stared off into space, searching through his mind for even a glimpse of eho the stranger could be. That was until it hit him. Stranger. Someone he didn't know, or in other words, the faceless man.

"Remember that guy I told you about? The one who is almost always there but I never get the chance to see his face? What if he is Hongsik?"

"That would make sense I guess," Wooyoung commented. "What if Hongsik is the one you love in the memories?"

"I think he is... I think I love Hongsik, he pops up in my mind often. And even if I don't get to see him, I can always hear his voice. Just last night, I was dreaming of him and I. We were in bed and he was singing the most beautiful lullaby... I really think I'm in love with him!"

"Slow down tiger," Wooyoung said with a laugh. "It sounds like you really mean yourself, but you mean the guy in the memory right?"

"Yeah of course, but I'm starting to get the feeling that it's supposed to be me. And to make it less confusing I might as well refer to him as myself."

"I mean everything is always happening to him and you see it out of his eyes, so I think it's fair to assume that you and him are the same people for now."

"Exactly, at least until I get a name," San said. He finally got out of bed, deciding that he was hungry, but when he stepped outside, he felt light-headed. He knew it was because of all the crying he had done the night before, so he decided not to worry too much about it.


Hongjoong was with Yunho and Yeosang. The three of them were waiting for Mingi to come back with drinks, so that they could all head back to the cabin with all the breakfast they had bought.

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