29. Forever

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For the rest of my life I'll be loving you
No matter how long forever is

Hongjoong decided to skip class since the others were skipping too, but instead of joining them on their trip to the arcade, Hongjoong had other plans. He watched Wooyoung run off in the direction of a white car, then quickly said his own goodbye before running off in the other direction. He had a plan in his head to meet Yeosang who was lucky enough not to have classes today.

He arrived at the apartment and quickly went up and knocked. When Yeosang opened the door, Hongjoong walked in and sat down.

"So why did you want to see me?" Hongjoong asked, looking over at Yeosang who was closing the front door.

"No special reason to be honest," Yeosang shrugged.

They hung out for a while, just talking about anything that came to mind. Both were comfortable with the atmosphere created that Yeosang was a little scared to ask the question he wanted to ask since the second Hongjoong got here.

"Hongjoong... can I ask you something?" Yeosang asked cautiously.

"Of course you can," Hongjoong replied nonchalantly. Hongjoong's head was resting on Yeosang's lap as he mindlessly scrolled on his phone.

"Don't get mad."

"Yeosang just say it."

Yeosang sighed. "Can you explain what the deal is with you and San?"

Hongjoong suddenly looked at Yeosang, putting his phone down. "Why?"

"Because I feel like he's badly misunderstood the situation and everyone is just brushing it under the rug. He's my friend, I don't want to make him upset."

"As cliché as it sounds... it's complicated," Hongjoong said looking away.

"Well can you explain it to me?" Yeosang questioned, placing a hand on Hongjoong's knee.

Hongjoong sighed heavily. "San... is complicated. I don't want to let him go and it seems he doesn't want to let me go either. For ages I've been waiting for the truth and San finally gave it to me a couple of weeks ago. I was just so surprised. It was strange, but there was something in it that just made sense. Something that told me that he wasn't lying, that it really was the truth. And after that the barriers between us didn't seem to be that bad. But I can tell that San is purposely trying to keep that line visible. We've broken up and he's making sure that that division is clear and can't be misinterpreted."

"But you still have feelings? If San didn't draw the line, instead if he brushed it away and opened his arms for you... would you run to him?" Yeosang asked, watching Hongjoong intently.

"I would run to him in a heartbeat. I don't know why... but I would," Hongjoong said. "I know my love for San is blind. I know that no matter what, I will always run to him."

"Do you ever feel like... he doesn't return that same amount of admiration?"

"It might sound weird, but I feel like San is the only one for me. Whether he returns it or not isn't the issue. I know he loves me. I'm sure of it. Its like there is some force in the world that wants us to be together. Sounds crazy right?"

"Not completely..." Yeosang mumbled. They stayed silent for couple of minutes until Yeosang spoke again. "So are you going to do anything about it?"

"I'll wait. I don't want to pressure him into coming back because I know that everything will naturally fall into place when he's ready."

"Since when were you a believer of fate?" Yeosang chuckled. "You even made San burst into tears when you told him that you didn't think 'forever' existed."

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