22. The Shadowed Truth

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A guilty conscience needs to confess

It was the start to their second year at school and San had every intention to miss it. Of course, if it wasn't for his friends, he probably wouldn't have gone at all. San studied medicine, majoring in biochemistry which is really no surprise considering that his father owned several hospitals. Wooyoung studied pharmacology (again under the influence of his father). As for his other friends, Yeosang studied Architecture, Mingi was in the Music faculty and Yunho and Hongjoong were in Communication Arts.

Though they were all studying different things, they still managed to somehow become friends. Wooyoung and San were of course childhood best friends. After meeting Hongjoong at the hospital, San tried to hang out with him as often as possible. Through Hongjoong, San met Yunho. The taller had to do a project with the Music students before, which is how he met Mingi and then introduced Mingi to the rest of the group. Mingi and Yeosang were friends from a young age too, so naturally Mingi brought Yeosang. And that's how they all became friends.

Normally San would go and meet Wooyoung outside the medicine building, since they both had their classes in the morning, but he didn't know if he could do that now. Though if San told Wooyoung this, he would say that they should just continue the way they are since he doesn't care what people say. Under normal circumstances San would agree, however this time he was more worried about what one person (in particular) would say.

San sighed as he entered the campus, walking straight to the Medicine building for class. He waited around there for about five minutes before Wooyoung quickly showed up.

"Why do you look so worried?" was the first thing Wooyoung said as he approached San.

"Nothing, I just have a lot on my mind right now," San said, turning around and walking into the building, making Wooyoung jog to keep up.

"I would say you're avoiding me, but then if you were... you wouldn't have waited for me," Wooyoung said, as he bumped into San who suddenly stopped. "Hey why did you-" Wooyoung looked in front of San to see a small group of people, chattering. This group were known for spreading gossip, so of course San was worried to walk past them.

"Are the rumours true? I heard your parents confirmed that you two are dating," someone from the small group said, just as San had feared.

"They make such a good couple, don't they?"

"The two most handsome boys from our faculties!"

"Wasn't one of them already dating a boy from Comm Arts?"

The incessant whispering got on Wooyoung's nerves, so he stepped forward to get rid of them.

"I think the answer to all of these questions are... none of your business!" Wooyoung said. "Don't you have better things to do? Go and study or something."

Wooyoung pushed San forward, gesturing him to walk away with him, which snapped San out of his state. He hesitated at first, but then followed Wooyoung away from the crowd.

"I really want to go home," San groaned.

"No point running away from the problem, right?" Wooyoung replied. "It'll die down soon enough."

"I guess... I mean there's not even much we can do apart from wait," he mumbled. But now, he would do anything for the rumours to die down and bury themselves with the shadowed truth.


They got through their classes with constant gossip fluttering around like a bee that travels through a field of flowers. Paying little attention to it, they focused on trying not to fall asleep during the lectures instead. The two planned to meet their friends for lunch before heading home since classes were finished for them.

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