✨The calm befor the storm ✨

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Song for this chapter: City of angels by Em Beihold

Alice POV:
I wake up to see a boy standing over me, normally in a situation like this you would scream or hit the intruder. But luckily I know who this troublemaker is because most of my mornings start like this. 

GOOD MORNING WOMAN!!! He yells. good morning Tommy, why are you waking me this early? I greet giving him the best morning smile I possibly have, Tommy is the youngest member of the l'manburg revolution I moved to a few months ago. 

The small nation is inhabited by Wilbur our president, Fundy Wilbur's son, Eret the advisor, Tommy Wilbur's brother, and second in command lastly there is Tubbo Tommy's best friend and minister of finance.

What started as a small revolution ended up becoming a nation that separated itself from the land of the Dream SMP, which is led by a tyrant named Dream, or that is what Wilbur calls him.

 I joined their little family about two months ago and quickly became attached to these morons it was like I've lived here my entire life. While thinking I notice Tommy is thinking of an excuse before shrugging and looking at me again.

Well, Wilbur was trying to cook but eh..... he says staring at his shoes avoiding eye contact. Looking him up and down notices that a small piece of his hair is burned and so are small pieces in his uniform. Tommy what I going on I ask again. Wilbur burned the food he says with a small smile. 

At a loss for words, I just sit there for a few seconds before bursting out in laughter. HE DID WHAT?! Is all I get out. Well we were trying to surprise you with breakfast but.....remembered a little too late that we don't really know how to cook, please save our food before we starve or burn the house down he says laughing as well. Sure Tommy I will meet you down and with that message, the blond boy leaves. 

Getting dressed in the familiar uniform I suddenly smell smoke and quickly grab my sword before running down. Only to see Tommy laughing his ass off while Tubbo and Fundy are trying to put out the fire. Eret is sitting in their chair with a shocked expression while Wilbur just stares at the small flame in the pan.

Normally I will cook because every time I let one of them near the kitchen it almost always ends in chaos or serious injuries. Honestly, I'm surprised that they were able to survive before I moved here.  After a few weeks of living with them, I actually found out that in the first months they mostly lived on carrots and water so I forced them to learn how to make at least beetroot stew in case anything went wrong with me they could at least have a proper meal.

Without saying anything I walk up to the pan and put a fire-resistant blanket over it making the flame to die down. Hearing everyone sigh in relief makes me softly chuckle and I clean off the pan. Seeing the defeated looks on their faces I decided to make pancakes the only breakfast that they absolutely love, and out of the corner of my eyes, I see smiles replacing the sad expressions. They might be absolute idiots but they're my absolute idiots.

Wilbur POV
Sitting down on the couch my eyes wander to the cooking figure and memories of when I first laid eyes on her flash through my mind.

- - - - Flashback - - - -
Waking up from a deep sleep I hear someone scream my name. Slowly getting out of bed I put on the uniform and walk over to the source of the sound that woke me up.  Finally reaching the person that is screaming I see my son Fundy standing over something. Getting closer I can make out what he is so worked up about and I slightly gasp in confusion.

A girl is laying in the grass, her chest slowly rising and falling her eyes closed. Long almost white-blonde hair is surrounding her face, a scar runs over her nose bridge and a breath escapes her pink lips. Studying her sleeping figure I notice that her skin is almost glowing, a sort of white-yellow light surrounding her like an aura. A white dress lightly sways in the wind covered with a few leaves and some stains, probably from the forest that surrounds our walls.

A tuck from my sleeves forces me to look away and back at Fundy. I was making my rounds and just saw her laying here sorry for waking you but I just didn't know what else to do, She doesn't look dangerous maybe we can finally have a new member Fundy says excitedly. It's fine fundy really you did good and yeah who knows smiling at him I ruffle his hair causing him to smile too. With fundys help, I carry her to the medical area excited to see if she will join our cause.
- - - -End flashback - - - -

Getting pulled out of my thoughts by the smell of pancakes I send Alice a warm and thankful smile slowly eating the tasty food. What would I do without her, ever since she showed up she has been nothing but kind and helpful, helping out wherever she can. When I can't sleep or am stressing about the war she just takes my hand sits down with me and listens to my troubles never complaining.
And not only does she help me but Alice has also been taking care of Fundy, Tommy, and Tubbo almost like a mother. With Eret she's different they have long talks about everything and I can see that they're close.

She's very honest and open, but one thing she refuses to talk about is her past. We've asked her multiple times about it but she just tenses up and shakes her head before walking away literally walking away from the subject. It's a bit strange but I let it go we all have our reasons to leave our past behind and move on and I respect that.

I also put up with it because we need her, before she came the situation was a bad Dream the person whose land we had taken had declared war on our little nation.  He was a tyrant and bully and I just couldn't live under his leadership anymore, so I started a drug emporium and a revolution. But tension had started to rise, we would fight over the smallest things and we began to fall apart the stress of the cause finally catching up to us.

But when she decided to join our nation it was like an angel had been sent down to help us. With her help, we built the walls high gathered more recourses made more farms, and forged more weapons giving the revolution a big boost but Alice mostly helped us become a family again and reminded us of why we were fighting this war.

Author note:
Oki so my writing sucks but this is just for fun so yeah
I hope you enjoyed the story so far

If someone reads this hey I hope you are oké and have a nice day or night please go drink some thee or water and stay safe

Oki so a small update we are at 99 reads you guys this is insane thank you this means the world to me I love all of you guys damm this is insane. I just can't wrap my head around it. * hugs everyone who gave me permission*

Huggies luvs

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