☁️ the day before ☁️

350 15 1

Song: Dog days are over by Florence+ the machine

Alice POV

I was currently in a fight with a tree root that messed up my entire vegetable garden. Tomorrow the election results would come in and to keep down the nerves i decide to invite the parties of POG2020 and Coconut2020 to dinner. The root had started to grow a while back but i had just ignored it until now.

It was a thick red plant that covered almost everything spreading like crazy. Harvesting the fresh vegetables it almost looked like it was alive, It kind off looked like the plants in my dream but not wanting anymore nerves i just shrugged it off. Tumbling over i finally hear the stupid plant snap.

So this is were you hide out a voice says all of a sudden and a hand comes into view helping me up. Dusting off my clothes I finally look up my eyes meeting a certain blue beanie boy. Quackity how in the name of heaven did you find me i ask trying to give him a smile. I had invited him and George too but they refused I hadn't even mentioned were i lived.

I had some business with Eret and stumbled across this litte cutie quackity says pointing to nugget who is snuggling against his leg barking happily. And he went this way so I decided to follow and wel now I'm here he quickly adds smiling. Well if my dog trusts you then I guess i do too come in i will make some thee he nods and together we walk in.

- - - - Time Skip - - - -

Ignoring the few offers of something called drugs and alcohol quackity is actually a really funny and nice guy chaotic yes but certainly sweet.  Spending the rest of the afternoon i get to know him an bit beter, All of a sudden he stands up giving me a quick hug before leaving screaming something about a meeting and seeing me again soon.

Rolling my eyes and giggling at his action i just decide to start making dinner. After an hour Tubbo knock on my door offering to help .

So Alice sind your my mom now i was thinking, Fundy is my brother because you adopted him too but Wilbur is his father so does that mean Wilbur is my dad too Tubbo questions. Thinking for a few minutes about the question i get a bit confused myself.

No not until were married and since when did you adopt Fundy a voice says the sound coming from the door, turning around i see a smirking Wilbur at the door. WAIT WAIT YOUR ENGAGED tubbo yells jumping up and down clapping his hands. what no were not engaged tubs, and I adopted Fundy long before the election now can you hand me that carot i almost yell turning away from the now both smirking males my face bright red.

Wilbur POV

Overhearing the conversation between Tubbo and Alice and I wasn't like I hadn't thought about it. Fundy told me about the adoption a while back during one of our fights, at first it really hurt but when i thought about it for a while it sounded really good I could have my own perfect family. My mind goes back to the conversation and she asks me for the carrots, handing her the vegetable i just chuckle.

So back to the engagement thing If we would marry you could live in l'manburg again as First Lady I propose smirking. WILBUR SOOT ARE YOU SERIOUSLY DOING THIS STOP PROPOSING she yells frantically waving her arms while tubbo just laughs. Maybe darling maybe is all I say causing her face to go even redder.

Fuck the steak is burning I'm dropping this subject Alice says turning around and going back to the dinner. Still smirking I shrug she didn't say no. I get a death glare from tubbo before he turns around and helps the angel with dinner.

3de POV

The trio finishes the dinner before the rest arrive's. The dinner goes smoothly only one fight breaks out between tommy and Wilbur because they can't come to an agreement about the victory music, Alice and Nikki calm them down promising extra deserts if the stop fighting. After that it all goes well no more drama, the rest leaves shortly after dinner is served. Nikki and Tubbo stay behind for some thee and extra cake.

Nikki POV

Alice sweetheart can I have some more thee I question giving Alice a smile. Of course angel everything for you she says mirroring my smile. Alice and I have been friends for years growing up together caused us to have a strong bond. It was nice to be back with her l'manburg is a nice place and it feels like home already. She comes back with the thee sitting down beside Tubbo who just lays down and falls asleep. Humming Alice places a blanket over him giving him a small kiss on his forehead taking a sip of the fresh thee.

Its nice seeing her so at peace she finally found her home. He aly I'm starting a bakery and was wondering if you wanted to help i say. Nikki that is amazing we're when o god we can decorate it with flowers and- she say rambling with a huge smile. My smile grows too and together we ramble for almost the entire night planning everything out.

After a while my eyelids get heavy and the last thing I remember is Alice placing a blanket over me and giving me a small kiss on my forehead like she did with Tubbo causing me to smile and blush a little bit.

Alice POV

I see Nikki slowly drift off so I tuck her in like I did with Tubbo and clean up the thee and left over food from the table. After that I decide to for some fresh air. Walking true the garden i come across the small pond sitting down and skipping stones. Hey sunshine what are you doing here a deep voice says and turning around I see Eret in they're pyjama's with a book under his arm.

Just getting some fresh air my king and you? I question while he sits down beside me giving me a side hug and placing his head on top of mine. I couldn't sleep and this place calms me down so how was the dinner and your day I'm sorry for not coming I just really didn't want to see l'manburg they say.

Chaotic quackity came to visit while I was trying to fight an evil tree root, than i think Wilbur proposed twice after that I planned a bakery with Nikki had a mother son moment with my newly adopted son and now I'm enjoying a nice moment with you i answer summing it all up.

Wow that - is a lot proposed? Eret says laughing causing me to laugh too. Yeah I know is all I get out true the laughing. Besides I already have Tubbo and Fundy to care for marriage is not the first thing on my mind i quickly add. So what is the deal with angels anyway, do you guys do marriage Eret questions.

We do but marriage between angels is very rare just like angel children i say smiling thinking about my time at the White Castle. Wait but I thought you have been an angel since you were born Eret questions again. I am but most angels come from when people die, when you die you get a choice to either find peace or become an angel and protect the ones you love i try to explain but they still looks confused.

Seeing the face Eret is making i giggle a bit. My parents were both angels so were Nikki, George and Karl's parents that is why we were always together Philza planned it this way after they died explaining it still hurts badly. I see I'm sorry for your loss Eret says hugging me tightly and we just sit like that for the rest of the night enjoying the peaceful evening.


Update darlings sorry for being absent for so long I had theatre week and a test week coming up soon.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter I'm updating soon again. Hope you're all well if not I'm always here to talk have some Huggies if you want them of course.

- cloudsie ☁️

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