🌾 live in pogtopia🌾

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Song: godlight by Noah Kahan

3de POV
Technoblade, Dream, Alice and Wilbur are sitting around the war table planning the upcoming war. Because of the lack of sleep Alice slowly drifts off. Her head lays on Technoblade's shoulder hé tenses up before relaxing nod draping his cloak over her sleeping figure. She snuggles close to him and his face softens. Dream sents him a glare from behind the ask while Wilbur lights a sigaret. A hateful tension hangs in the air the only sound being Alice's rhythmic breathing.

Mamacita someone yells the curse getting followed bye lot of rambling. The sleeping girl starts to turn and mumble until Technoblade whispers reassuring words. Dream jumps up and places his arm against the screaming boys throat while covering his mouth. Wilbur following him and ominously hovering over him. Shut the fuck up Quackity do you want to wake her Wilbur sneers. Quackity frantically shakes his no and Dream takes a step back letting him breath. What the hell men she's alive he whisper screams looking shocked at the sleeping angel.

Why are you here Quackity Wilbur questions ignoring the question. Schlatt went crazy and I'm done with his bullshit the blue beanie boy answers still staring at the girl. That doesn't answer why you're here Wilbur sneers again standing in front him blocking the view. I wanne join the revolution schlatt needs to go Quackity's voice is cold and his expression blank.

BIG Q!!! A new voice screams while tackling the poor boy. Everyone turns towards the sleeping Alice but somehow she sleeps true it being used to screaming tommy. Tubbo come down the stairs to and freezes for a second until tommy drags him towards big Q saying everything is oke. I'm going to bring her to her room Technoblade says picking the sleeping form up bridal style and carrying her away. When Technoblade comes back the group is hunched over a map and techno leave's grumping something about going to farm.

Alice POV
The smell of spruce and something rust like fill my nose. Sitting up i see the stone walls of my room surround me which is strange because i was just the meeting room. Noticing the cloak it clicks in my mind techno must have brought me here, the softness of the cloak reminds me of nugget and for a second my heart shatters i really miss my little ball of sunshine. Dragging myself out of the comfort of the bed i start to roam the halls looking for the blood god.

Arriving at the meeting room i spot the familiar blue beanie and my heart sinks. He found us oh prime he's going to drag me back i need to find Tubbo and run we can't be trapped with Schlatt again. Backing up i bump into someone. Were are you going nerd a monotone voice says and hearing him i relax a bit. I need to leave, Schlatt is going to hurt us i start mumbling panic returning. Hey hey stop Schlatt is not going to hurt you I'll kill him if he tries now deep breath and relax he mumbles.

While doing as he said i hand back the cloak. Flipping back his hair he complains about it being in the way. I can do your hair if you want i offer before i sense something behind me. Turned around my nose brushes against someone's nose and out of shock i jump back bumping into techno again while he wraps his arms around my waist giving me a sense of somewhat safety.

Quackity sweety personal space i say shaking my head smiling a bit. Glad you aren't dead love he smirks before planting a quick kiss on my forehead and running off. My face heats up while techno let's go and chases him. Laughing and shaking my head i start to follow them making sure that techno doesn't kill him.

Chasing them for a while i bump into tommy who asks if we an train together and i agree before walking back to the farm. MUM your awake a voice screams before i get tackled in a hug. He tubbsie i chuckle hugging him back. Why are you so tired are the nightmares back the bee boy questions with a worried look on his face. Contemplating if I should tell him i decide not to not wanting to worry him anymore. No sweety i just wen out with wil last night no need to worry, I do have to go i need to train Tommy you can join if you want i offer helping him up. Nope I'm on farming duty with the blade Tubbo says looking scared.

Don't be cared tech is not going to hurt you I promise giggling i give him a goodbye hug before walking off. After searching for tommy for almost half an hour i give up and just go to the outside training area. On my way there the normal forest sounds get disrupted by rustling. Ignoring the obvious tracker I arrive at the bow range and just make my bow appear.

3de POV
Alice keeps firing arrows while carefully listening to the surroundings locating the tracer. All of a sudden she turns around and changes the bow for a sword. Her blade meets with a similar weapon and sparks fly from were the weapons hit. I was wondering when you would visit me Alice says smiling lowering the blade. Well sunflower i can't miss you for long enough can i now, besides I couldn't visit earlier everyone needed to think you were dead the cloud goggled boy says lowering his weapon aswel.

Right sorry how is everyone the angel says having a sad expression. Sapnap is sad ad i think he hasn't let go of nugget once, Eret is in denial while Niki and Karl just don't buy it george explains. Schlatt however is furious he trashed the house we were staying at george adds sitting down.

And Fundy? I really want to visit him but techno and Wilbur won't let me go further that 100 meters from the base Alice questions sitting down beside him. He's in shock and very committed to Schlatt following him around everywhere The angel boy explains nudging Alice in front him making small braids in her long hair. Wilbur is talking to him today about joining maybe we can get him away from there Alice says hopefully smiling missing her son.

Enough depressing talk how is live back at the base George questions not liking not seeing Alice for so long. It's interesting but i do miss living in the cottage and nugget she replies looking back at him smiling trying to lift the mood. The duo spends the rest of the day together enjoying each other's company.


This is just a filler chapter not a lot happening.

I'm not really happy with this chapter but I'm going away for a week so I really wanted to update. I hope you enjoyed it anyway, that was all for now i hope you are oke if not I'm here to talk.

LY all my sunshine's

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