🖤the beginning to a long end 🖤

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⚠️Warning ⚠️ war and treats plus description of death ⚠️
Song: Put it on me by Matt Maenson

Alice POV
Opening my eyes i rub the sleep out of them and sit up staring at the stone walls that surround me . For the first time in weeks I didn't dream and I'm wondering if that is good or bad, but no time to contemplate about that. Stepping out of bed i get dressed in a plain white shirt and my overalls that go with the cloak i got and the ring techno got me.

Walking into the meeting room a table full of left over dishes is still standing together with a plate of breakfast and a note.

Hey Fundy here,
Were gathering the last recourses from the fault and didn't want to wake you, techno says that we need al the sleep and energy we can get.
As you know tonight we attack so i had to tell you to get prepared, now Wilbur kept whining about something that you had to check out in his room but my advice is to not go :). Furthermore there were cookies that Nikki made but I'm afraid Tommy and Tubbo ate the soooo yeah. well we have to go see you and love you bye.

Laughing a bit at the note i pick up the dishes and place them next to the made up sink while taking a few bites of the breakfast. After washing off the dishes i go to check out this ting Wilbur whined about in Fundy's note. Walking over to Wilburs room i start a small search finding a wrapped package with my name on it, opening it it a drawing is revealed. The drawing is off us dancing with the villagers, one of them must have made them during the festival. At the bodem it says "to the end of the world remember '' which makes me laughing a bit.

So i guess I'm forgiven a voice says from behind me all of a sudden causing me to slightly jump. Turning around i see the tall crazy man lean against the the door frame. Maybe i haven't decided yet i answer rolling my eyes slightly. Getting wrapped into a hug i just sigh and hug him back. After a seconds Wilbur's breath gets steady and he starts softly snoring leaving me to lay him in bed and leave the room.

- - - - Time Skip - - - -

Sitting in the meeting room I'm braiding techno's hair sinds normally Wilbur would do it but we all decided to let him sleep so i was allowed to do it. All done mister blade i smile finishing the braid. Hmm, Alice can i ask why your wearing overalls but not armour the blood god says a bit confused. It's to confuse my enemy i look less dangerous this way so people will think I'm harmless before I attack plus Eret got it for me the first day I came to l'manburg is all i say making my sword appear and start sharpening it. He starts to laugh before looking up at me i like it ,it fits you wholesome but dangerous.

3de POV
The two celestial get interrupted when Eret enters the meeting room announcing that everything is ready and Wilbur wants wants to head for manburg. Meeting up with the others they see Tommy standing on a box so he towers over the group . Today we go down in history, a lot of you have been with us from the beginning and for who isn't thank you for being here, were all a part of L'manburg and today we take back our home FOR L'MANBURG the blond teen yells raising his sword the rest joins in an a battle cry echoes i the forest.

The group starts there last journey from the ravine to the land they once called home silence covering them as a blanket. The familiar nation comes into view with the opposing side already waiting. Alice and Nikki both unfold their wings while taking out their weapons, the entire group takes their blades in hand concentration covering them. Stopping in front of the enemy the tension is very thick almost suffocating. The first to speak is Dream good to see you angel . Can't say the same smiley the winged woman snaps back rolling her eyes. Ouch well last change to join the winning side Dream adds smirking underneath the mask. What are you talking about I already have Alice replies smiling tauntingly.

While the two bicker both Sapnap and Schlatt just stand there confused as how Alice would be alive. Before either of them can say anything Dream charges towards Alice making the first move again and starting the war officially.

Alice POV ( i know a lot of pov switches I'm sorry )
My sword hits dreams shield causing it to almost break and a serious feeling of deja vu washes over me. Technoblade trained you well angel but sadly for you I'm better my opponent says and i can hear the grin behind his words. Really than fight me yourself the monotone voice of the blood god speaks causing me to be distracted and lower my gard for only a second. Before I can regain focus a blade gets placed at my neck and person stands behind so i can't do anything.

Drop your weapons both of you or I'll slid her pretty little neck Dreams says placing his head on my shoulder. Doing as he says my sword falls to the ground making way to much noice ad gaining the attention of multiple people. While this is happening the two gods have what looks to be stare off both not moving a muscle. Out of the corner of my eyes i can see Schlatt run and anger starts to really boil in me. My body moves on its own and my elbow finds Dreams stomach causing him to dubbel over in pain and drop the sword. Never grab a woman dick it not polite i snarl before picking up my own sword and point it at his neck.

Noticing that Schlatt is gone and Dream is in armed the manburg side stop fighting pointing there attention to the man on the ground. I let Wilbur and Technoblade take over and go to heal whatever wound everyone has no after what side your on and after doing hat and making sure everyone is oke i go back to the guys.

Look we have a common enemy here i got what I wanted Schlatt is all yours to kill, i can even point him out for you guys Dream says trying to worm his way out of it. Wait a damm minut everyone told me Schlatt was getting locked up yeah Schlatt is a bad person but he doesn't have to die. Someon takes my hand and starts to drag me somewhere and looking up i see dreams familiar mask great this guy again. The l'manvan comes into view and stepping inside i see Schlatt on the floor clothes messy and an empty bottle of whiskey beside him.

The rest joins us causing the drunk goat men to look up Uhm what is this a surprise birthday party, and look my sweetheart is here alive and well he slurs eyes travelling true the room. Fundy, Fundy what are you doing here come here you little bitch he yells all of a sudden before swinging at him. Out of instinct i grab his fist mid way and twist it making him fall to the ground again causing everyone to start yelling.

Listen Schlatt you fucked up the country, you fucked up everything you had a dream and I followed it but you brought everything downhill you-you ruined it you ruined everything Fundy yells back while everyone falls silent. Oh Fundy please your nothing Schlatt smirk and chuckle coldly looking his old so called friend in the eyes. Oke that's it your dead Wilbur yells out of nowhere before picking up Alice and placing her aside and lunging at the drunk president.

After a short fight Dream pulls them apart and i watch as Wilbur asks Tommy if he still has dreams crossbow. The teen nods and pulls it out before pointing it a Schlatt. My heart absolutely breaks at the sight Tommy isn't supposed to shoot him this is not normal. All of a sudden Schlatt starts to sniff the air D-does anyone smell toast the horned man says before allot the ground shaking. An than he stops not moving or anything.

Dropping down to my knees i lay my ear on his chest no sound just silence. Looking back up i state the mater of fact he's dead and as soon as the words leave my mouth cheering erupts.
We won.


The first but not last death ......

So I've been gone for a while because i got my corona shot and felt sik for a week but I'm still very glad i got it because now I can travel again. However I wanted to thank you all for 6k you crazy people i love you all.

That was all my sunshine's i see you next time in a very explosive chapter.


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