🧳 notebooks and beginning 🧳

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Song: Dear wormwood The Oh Hellos

George POV
For the last hour Dream has been trying to convince Tubbo to exile Tommy for burning down my house, it really doesn't matter that much yeah it sucks but i could stay with Alice and rebuilding was giving me a chance to starts fresh. Tommy just joined the argument screaming my ears of while Alice is sitting in the back silently observing the situation. TUBBO IF YOU DONT SEND HIM AWAY I WILL REBUILD THE WALLS SO FUCKING HIGH YOU'LL NEVER GET OUT, I WILL HAVE GUARDS PATROL THE BOARDERS AND I WILL MAKE SURE YOU DIE IN THAT NATION OF YOURS dream yells looking down on Tubbo.

He's been getting mad about the smallest things lately especially after Pogtopia won the war. Trying to disappear in the chair i feel a hand getting placed on my shoulder and looking up i see Alice stand there giving me a soft smile before he expression turns to an angry one. Seeing the look on her face i know i have to do something before she kills dream right there on the spot. So i pull her in my lap and wrap my arms around her waist so she isn't able to get up, which isn't a smart move sinds now not only Dream is giving me death glares but so are Tommy and Tubbo oh if looks could kill.

3de POV
After a few more death glares the arguing trio starts to fight again, Tubbo is now slowly leaning towards Dreams side not noticing the manipulative tone in Dreams voice. The thing is that Tommy said he started the fire because he doesn't want to drag Ranboo with him knowing that if something happens someone has to stay with Tubbo. You know what Tommy Dream is right you always mess up everything, maybe its good that you leave for a while Tubbo snaps towards his best friend. This triggers Alice who finally escapes George's hold and takes a stand between the two arguing boys. Oke take it easy boys how about Tommy helps rebuilding the house and does some community work Alice says with pleading eyes towards her son and the masked man.

No he's been getting away with everything he needs to learn about his mistakes Dream butts in earring himself a glare from Alice and George. While Alice is trying to murder Dream with her eyes Tubbo made up his mind sighing loudly he grabs the attention from everyone. Tommy Minecraft Innit you have until sundown to pack your things Dream will accompany you in a exil of an undetermined periode of time Tubbo says his voice cold and emotionless sounding exactly like Schlatt making Alice shiver. Tommy goes pale and looks defeated letting his head hang, his best friend just told him he isn't welcome in the land he fought for . Well I guess I'm packing than too Alice says out of the blue.

Tommy looks relieved and Tubbo looks understanding he was already planning to ask Alice to go with him not really trusting Dream. George and Dream on the other han looks furious. Not saying anything else Alice leaves pissed.

Alice POV
Arriving at Eret's castle they are already waiting outside tapping they're foot angry. So i just got the pleasure of having a very pissed Dream yell at me about you going in exile with tommy, care to explain the king says sarcastically. I can't leave him with Dream, Tommy needs a sane person to help him get over Wilbur's death i say looking them in the eyes. I know sunshine its just Dream, he has been off lately... they reply with a hesitant tone. Off what do you mean off i say looking into Eret's eyes.

Just.... Never mind just keep an eye on him oke, and oh wait a second Eret says before walking away leaving me alone at the gate. Looking around i see two guy walking along the walls of the castle both suited up in armour and carrying shields that have the Dream SMP's vlag painted on them. Seeing them so war ready is strange since l'manburg has a peace treaty. Before i can go and ask them what is going on Eret returns something in they're hand. Take this with you and write in it for me than I'll write one too so we can read each other's adventures even tough were apart for a while Eret says and tears starts to form in the corner of my eyes.

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