🌙Poppy's and independence🌙

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Song: Before i go by Mimi Webb

3de POV

3 days after Alice an Dream woke up they were doing a lot better. Of course they're wounds were already healed but two weeks of not moving and a bad diet still took his tole. During the day Fundy , Tubbo and Eret would be with Alice and George and Sapnap were with dream.

Dream and Alice acted like they hated each other when people were around but when it was night dream would sneak out of his room and go to visit her stealing food and having late night snacks together.  Weirdly enough Tommy and Wilbur still hadn't come to visit her even tough they knew she was awake.

Dream POV

George was catching me up about the l'manburg situation. Well i gave them independence in exchange for Tommys music and...... he stopped there. And? I question a bit confused why did he stop. Alice's citizens ship he said in almost a whisper.  Wilbur noticed how much Sap and Alice like each other and how Eret treats her so he thought she woud have a better live with us plus they got what they wanted so its a win win he ads lightly.

I was shock i had see how Wilbur looked at her he clearly loved her deeply so why did he do it. Did you tell her yet i ask. Not yet that is why Wilbur and Tommy haven't visited and Sap and Eret want her to fully recover first George says a bit of disgust true his voice.  Yeah good idea she wil probably go a bit nuts if she knew remember when we gave her over to Eret she had told us she would kick our asses if we traded her like and object and we definitely did this time.

I go nuts if i knew what a light voice questions from the door. George please tell me your voice became two times as high i say trying to avoid looking at her. Dream don't be weird what is going on her voice say again a bit confused. We have to talk sunflower George says pointing to a chair

Alice POV

It was the first time i could stand on my own and take a walk do I decide to go to the library and read for a bit maybe visit Eret afterwards having dinner together. On my way there I overhear George and Dream talking about me going nuts over something ad not able to contain myself i blurt out Go nuts if i know what. Dream try's to joke it off but i cut him of demanding what is going on.

We have to talk sunflower is all i get from George before he asks me to sit down. I sit down next to George and he takes my hand which i a bit weird since he only does that when he is worried. So what is going on i say while giving them both a smile and drawing circles in George's hand palm.

Well we granted l'manburg independence Dream begins and a smile creeps onto my face they did it they actually did it no more wars and i can finally go home living in the place i want to be. Really that i great why would i go nuts about that is amazing i say still smiling.

Well they made a trade for the it Dream face looks worried. Okey......... what was it i say still smiling but confused at their reaction.  Tommy's discs and wel......Your citizenship George says. The world stops these guys really only see me as a pawn in their messed up war don't they. But i also get it its a good deal and it would end everything. Tommy and Tubbo can finally have a normal live and Fundy can finally attend his study's, Wilbur will be able to get some rest again and maybe even get some new people to join the nation.

Sunflower are you okey George asks i must have zoned out. Yeah of course its amazing plus its my duty as a wel i guesse ex l'manburgian i put on a fake smile and hold back my hurt. If you guys don't mind I really should get going to the library i say while standing up.

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