🎶 the end of the world 🎶

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⚠️ warning description of death, explosions and crazy Wilbur and sappy storyness ⚠️

Also a long chapter as a apology for not uploading so long

⚠️ music not mine but please check out the artist flora cash⚠️

3de POV
L'manburg is still cheering when they walk back to the stage celebrating their victory the dream smp side een joining in a bit. Alice stays behind in the van and walk towards a chest pulling out a white sheet. Covering Schlatt's body she murmurs a short prayer to the White Castle. Its not to help him or anything its more a apology to the place he is going to. George has been silently observing her to make sure she's oke. Why are you doing this you hated him he states as a fact. Hate is a strong word..... Schlatt was a man with power and power can corrupt even the purest of souls George, Schlatt was a lonely and cruel man but he did not deserve to die Alice speaks light hearted. They stand there together looking each other in the eyes until Alice turns away looking in the direction of the stage her expression chancing into a serious one. We have to go this isn't over yet she mumbles coldly before walking out George confusedly trailing behind her.

Alice POV
The stage comes into view and even tough something feels seriously off i smile. The original flag moves in the wind and a l'manburg jacket get placed over shoulders. All of a sudden i get thrown in the air only to land in a certain arsonist arms. Good to see you again panda i say smiling and hugging him tightly. Getting a tight hug and a lecture in reply I can't do anything but laugh and smile. I than get called over to the stage together with the rest, being sat down in the back of the stage by Tubbo. Tommy steps forward his face radiating with pride and joy while he talks.

Hello everyone it look like we won he says into the mic disbelief seeping true his words while the crowd starts to cheer loudly. When everyone calms down he continues: And i never thought i would say this that even after the hardship Tubbo, Alice , Wilbur Fundy, Nikki were still here we made it, So everyone please give a big applause to our Wilbur Soot i push Wilbur to the front seeing and hearing the crowd go wild again, but i also see his eyes and again i know, that deep down he already gave up and his next few words wil either confirm or deny that.

Going to sit down i get picked back up and placed down beside the president and tommy who is still proudly smiling. I'm flattered and grateful for your enthusiasm but i can't be president so i present your new president Tommy Minecraft Innit i hear Wilbur yell while tommy get pushed to the mic and the crazy men comes to stand beside me.

3de POV
Tommy stands in front of the mic stuttering and looking around until he spots dream standing in the crowd and even with the mask on knows the eyes of the smiley man are on him. Wow thanks will I don't have anything to say expect that sadly I can't take this, i have some unfinished business tommy than lowers his tone for the next words Dream i will be coming for my discs so Tubbo please be take the position he says while nikki pushes him to stand beside his best friend.

Hello everyone and thank you tommy i would be more than honoured to represent our nation the bee boy says smiling ear to ear while looking at everyone and halting on the original l'manburg a bit longer. I promise that as your future president i will create a place of peace happiness he adds yelling the last sentence making the crowd cheer again. While tubbo interacts with the crowd tommy cheering they don't notice Wilbur sneaking off except for Alice who sees Technoblade climb the hill opposing the stage forcing her to make a choice.

Wilbur POV
I'm staring at the button my hand hovering over the wood, the urge to push it and be done with it is almost to big. Staring at the wall with texts my mind starts to wander to the day we wrote that song,

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