🌜A vault to win a war with 🌛

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Song: Panic Room by Au/Ra

Alice POV
I'm just relaxing with Quackity drinking some thee and chatting a bit. Duckling were do you get this beverage its amazing the beanie man compliments giving me a bright smile. Techno allowed me to have a small patch of herbs and flowers on the potato farm so i can make thee i chuckle smiling at his enthusiasm. Well its certainly better than whatever Schlatt gave me he laughs giving me a small side hug.

A few sounds come from upstairs, so i go to sit a bit closer to Quackity and close my eyes taking a sip of the Jasmin thee. All of a sudden i get peeled away from the couch and pulled on my feet two arm's tightly wrapped around my waist. Sunshine? A deep voice mumbles. Hey king i whisper back small tears in my eyes. Eret lets go and stares for second before flicking they're fingers against my forehead. Never-fake-your-death-again they break down before hugging me again causing me to laugh.

A small snif comes from behind us and my eyes meet Nikki's. Letting go of Eret i walk over to her engulfing her is a hug like we haven't seen each other in years. Her wings wrap around us shielding us from the word for a moment while we both laugh  just being relieved to be together again.  I knew i knew you were alive you wouldn't just leave me she smile giggling. I would never just leave you love i giggle too.

What is going on here a voice booms true the room breaking the moment. Breaking apart and looking up i spot Tommy and Wilbur stand on the stairs the crazy man glaring at Eret. Shielding the two newcomers i just smile at Wil trying to avoid another pit fight. Okey fellas let's not kill each other in front of the wholesome people Quackity butts in standing in front me giving me a quick wink.  Taking the hint i grab Nikki's and Tommy's hands dragging them off to the living room to have some thee and food.

- - - - Time Skip - - - -

After a long long discussion Wilbur and Eret come to some sort of understanding and Technoblade ask unto meet him up with the rest so we do. I have a surprise follow me the pink haired male demands and after gathering everyone we head out. Were walking for a long time before coming across a snowplain, and together with nikki u admire the beautiful white scenery. All if a sudden a cold feeling comes from the back of my head, turning around i see Tommy,  Tubbo and Quackity grinning and snickering.

Sharing a look with Nikki we get the same idea, grabbing a hand of snow and making it into a ball. At the exact same time both me and Nikki throw the snow balls at the snickering males starting a full out snow war. After a few minutes of going back and forth in the fight Quackity gets too exited hitting Technoblade with a ball of the white cold powder. The results being that Technoblade almost suffocate his supposed attacker with snow causing me and Nikki to roll over on the ground clutching our stomachs from laughing.

When I finally catch my breath i help up Nikki and stop techno from actually killing Quackity and we continue on our way. A small hill come into view together with a silhouette. Tommy grabs his sword Tubbo doing the same, Wilbur just lights another sigaret not being  faced by the unexpected guest.

3de POV
The Pogtopia group reaches the the hill blades get pointed at the intruders neck when seeing who he is. Alice sees him too and steps forward placing hands on the blades to lower them. Hey mom long time no see Fundy says walking up to her and looking her in the eyes small tears in the corners of his eyes. Hey tulip I'm sorry i- Alice try's to say but before she can finish her sentence the boy already has her trapped in a tight hug. I know and I'm sorry too he mumbles. Alice gets a light tap on her shoulder. I don't wanne break the moment here but we have things to attend too the blade says so they break apart And let him by the wall while  the rest of the group welcomes Fundy back.

wiping away a patch of moss a button is revealed. I'M READY FOR REVOLUTION BOYS the blade screams fist colliding with the button causing sand to fall and a vault to be revealed. Shocked the group freezes for a second before bursting out in happiness thanking the blood good and running in exploring the newly unlocked space.

Alice POV
The fault is filled with god like armour, food and weapons. Tommy and Tubbo are studying blades while Fundy , Nikki and Eret are trying on armour. At loss for words i just stand there with a smile on my face until a hand gets placed on my shoulder and turning around i see techno wearing his crown, cloak and familiar mask looking intimidating. What do you think he asks breaking the tough act. Way to cool is all i get out chuckling no but really you are looking god like mister blood god i add smiling.

Getting only a grump in reply he quickly takes off leaving me to wonder in the fault. Coming  across two armour stands with my name and will's in front of them i stop and stare remembering the l'manburg rules of no armour. I know you won't use it and Wilbur won't either but i want you to have them may you ever need them The blade says popping up out of nowhere causing me to jump. Thank you tech I mumble regaining myself.

Looking at the armours i get the dreadful feeling that they will be used but not by me or Will for that matter. Hey i do have something else if you don't wear the armour here he says making me turn around and handing me a dark green cloak and emerald ring that lays in top of it.  They're beautiful techno i mumble under my breath feeling the material of the cloak.

  They're beautiful techno i mumble under my breath feeling the material of the cloak

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( Cloak and ring)

the emerald is a sign of my friendship and if you ever need my help just press it I'll find you as for the cloak i just thought it matched your eyes he says. Putting on the cloak it has a cut out piece in the back so my wings can be used aswel. The ring fits perfect and lets off a small glow when I place it around my finger.  I'm a bit speechless and just hug the blood god silently thanking him.  Letting go i do a small twirl showing off the new clothing item and ring. So how do I look i giggle.

Like a fairy Technoblade laughs. We talk for a few more minutes discussing the upcoming fight and just having a peaceful moment. Sunshine we're are you come see our new armour Eret yells breaking the comfortable silence. Beginning to leave my writs gets grabbed and I get held tightly. Alice you have to promise me that whatever happens you will always wear the ring techno's voice is urgent almost warning.  Of course i pinkie promise I answer holding up my pinkie finger. Getting a confused look in return I just take his hand and intertwin out pinkies smiling in the process. Letting go i walk back this time meeting up with the rest.

This took me so long to write and not because of the actual story but because of what cloak and ring I should pick there are so many I'm a very indecisive person 🥲.

But yeah I do really hope you enjoy this chapter and it's not too long or boring if it is pls tell me because feedback is really appreciated 😄. Btw is anyone else really looking forward to see what happens with the burger van. Now that was all my lovely sunshine's.

Have an amazing day or night and see you next chapter.


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