🌜Dream or reality 🌛

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Song: Gotye,somebody that I used to know (feat. Kimbra) (slowed & reverb)


⚠️ long chapter ahead with some blood and death proceed with reading if you are sensitive to things like this :) that's all  ⚠️

Alice POV 

It's completely quiet the entire camp empty. Tommy had gone to bed and Mexican dream shortly after, leaving me alone outside with the only sound being the fire crackling softly.  Finishing the log in my journal for today I start reading back a little and sigh, over the past few weeks while in exile I had also started writing about what happened when I was still in L'manburg. 

 I wrote about the days in the van and at my old house but I also wrote about the betrayal, wars, my time with schlatt, the dream team, and finally about Wilbur. It hurts so much but I never want to forget, I want to remember so that history won't repeat itself ever so I need to remember even if it hurts. 

Inside the journal itself are a few hidden letters I got from Karl who solemnly wrote me every week. He. told me to write things down since that is the only way you can't forget and while reading his last letter I remembered the enormous pile of journals that he had in his room, he was obsessed with journaling so much that he had a new notebook every half month. He wrote down every detail he had true out the day and it always fascinated me even when we were kids.

Closing the journal I gently place it on the log bench and slowly let myself lean back soaking up the silence and moonlight. While sitting relaxed I can almost hear the old sound from l'manburg haunt me, Tommy cursing, Wilbur playing guitar, Eret chuckling, and fundy and tubbo giggling.

 Wait giggles that isn't right that sounds way too real to be a memory. Quickly sitting up I look around The giggle sounded way too real to be a memory, I think to myself sitting up and stretching while making my sword appear and casually holding it in my hand. 

Standing up and looking around there is absolutely nothing, and the silence has come back, so after a few minutes I shrug and turn around putting out the fire and cleaning up my cup before walking to my tent. 

But there it is again that giggle quickly turning around there is nothing again. Haha Tommy and MD very funny you scared me so you can stop now I yell crossing my arms in annoyance. The giggling sound again but this time closer sending shivers up my spine. OK, GUYS ENOUGH NOT FUNNY ANYMORE I yell again a tight feeling forming in my stomach, was it fear or nausea I honestly can't say maybe it's both.

And then I see it a flash between the trees so brief I almost missed it, quickly rubbing my eyes there is nothing only the trees and woods behind it. The sword in my hand reappears and while taking a defensive stand the flash comes by again in the corner of my eye. 

Turning around a little girl with long white-blond hair dressed in fully white is standing beside the log bench my journal in her hand. Wait what I say confused that was in my hand seconds ago. The girl's eyes are trained on me as if she's waiting for me to do something, slowly I lower the blade not wanting to scare her. 

Hey there don't be scared I promise I won't hurt you I say careful trying not to scare her but she stays where she is clutching my journal in her hand. It's oke I'm Alice what is your name? I try again but she keeps quiet not moving an inch. You need to remember she mumbles loud enough for me to hear and her voice echoes true my head sounding very familiar.

Before I can ask what she means she makes a run for it my journal still in hand. WAIT no I need that back yelling I go after her without actually thinking about it. She runs deeper and deeper into the forest further than I ever went to get wood or explore. The further we go the darker it gets realizing that this is probably not the best idea since this is how people die  I almost stop running until an opening in the wood grabs my attention.

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