✨Battle time ✨

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Song: start a war by klergy & Valerie Broussard

3de POV
Dream charges towards Wilbur causing the tall man to push Alice behind Eret hoping it will shield her in some way. Sapnap leaps for Tommy,  Tubbo, and Fundy. George goes for Alice and Eret.

Alice POV

Still in shock, I feel Wilbur push me behind Eret and I see dream charging towards him ax raised. George comes running towards me and Eret. Rolling my eyes I remember leaving the sword Tommy gave at the medical center leaving me with no choice but to use my powers. Before George's blade could hit me I create a shield blocking his attack. I see you have learned a new trick George whispers under his breath. More than one my cornflower i says before creating a sword. How did you he stammers confused. If you surrender now I won't hurt you sunflower George adds regaining his composure.

And what would be the fun in that my love is all I reply with a smirk. We charged at each other again our swords colliding sparks flying from where the blades meet. Tackling George I go in for a hit planning to unarm him, but he blocks it last second using his own shield. Let's head to punz's tower get the high ground Tommy yells while running off the rest trailing behind him.

Shooting George one last glare before running off. After making sure everyone is up there and no one is following I start to climb dodging arrows on the way up there. Peeking my head true the trapdoor I see Eret guide the door while Tommy, Tubbo, and Wilbur fire arrows.
Panic seeps true me when I don't see Fundy anywhere and it gets even worse when I do, The fox boy is on the ground laying in a small pool of blood having a bad side wound.

Ripping a strip from my dress shirt and grabbing some ointment from my shoulder bag I start to help him clean the wound and bandage the worst cuts. Alice, I am scared Fundy says with a small voice that makes my heartbreak in a million pieces. I am here now dear it's going to be oké I whisper trying to calm him a little bit. Looking up in a panic I can see the rest struggle and I'm sick of being the damsel in distress. Fundy dear I have to help the rest but I will be right back okay. I whisper stroking his hair smiling softly Okey mum he answered in a small voice.

Running over to the rest I change the sword into a bow and grab a few arrows out of Tommy's quiver. Firing arrows at the enemy my vision goes blank. I manage to hit George in the shoulder and the wound won't be fatal but will hurt like hell. Wilbur managed to hit dream in the foot and Tommy hits Sapnap in the leg. They're retrieving the blond teenager yells exited. Watching the Dream team limp back into the forest my face goes blanc I guess karma really is a bitch.

Hearing my friends cheer my mind wanders back to Fundy and I run over to his side. Tending to his wound I can already see that normal healing won't work so another method is needed. Powers kicking in my hands start to glow and hovering them over the wound I can see it close. when everything is closed my head feels light and before I know it the darkness takes over.

Wilbur POV
I am cheering when a bright light catches my attention. Turning towards the light source i can see Alice sitting beside fundy with ripped clothes and blood on her hands My heart drops and i make my way over to them dropping to my knees and checking Fundy. But instead of seeing his wounds bleed, I see them slowly close.

Then I look up at Alice her normal eyes have turned milk-white, her hair is glowing and floating around her head and there is a small light coming from her hands. Her eyes go back to normal and all Fundy's are closed his eyes snap open and he stares at me for a second before we both turn our head towards Alice. She gives us both a weak smile and faints.

Yeah, I do absolutely suck at writing fight scenes I apologize.
Btw here is my inspiration for the weapons and the shield:

Btw here is my inspiration for the weapons and the shield:

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I really like the design and they give me an angelic ✨vibe✨

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I really like the design and they give me an angelic vibe.

I hope you have an amazing day/ midday/ night or midnight and if not i am always here to talk

Huggies luvs

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