⛅️ A party with no beginning 🌥

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⚠️  mentioning and description of suicide I'll put a warning emoji where it begins so you can skip over if you are uncomfortable with this there will be a quick summary at the end of the chapter ⚠️

Alice POV

It has been almost three months since that weird dream/vision. Almost a whole season has passed and winter crept by so fast it's almost making me feel dizzy. No one besides Dream has visited making a depressing feeling settles over our entire camp.

It has been so hard on Tommy.  I've done everything I can to help him and be there but I can almost feel him slipping away like he is so close but so far away. 

He needed someone beside me and Mexican Dream so Dream the green crazy smiley man himself had become this almost brother-like figure and, to be honest, it's kind of scary to see him being this nice, especially to Tommy. Seeing the weather is finally lighting up we finally set the date for the beach party and I'm so excited to see everyone again.

So that is what brings me to now I'm currently walking around with parasols under my arm and laying out beach towels along the pale white sand of the coastline.  Where do you want this one to go Tom? I yell seeing the blond teen doing happy dances while setting up his part of the party. Before getting a response someone picks me up and I land on someone's shoulders.

Heyy Mamacita you excited? Mexican Dream chuckles making me chuckle and tightly hold onto his head so I don't fall off. Very excited what about you I say slightly daydreaming about my time in l'manburg.

The rest of the time I just spent time goofing around and setting up with the two boys. This party is a really good thing it has been a while since we had this light atmosphere and to be honest, I've really missed it. 

3de POV

the trio hangs around a little waiting for the party to start just rechecking and making sure that everything is perfect. When it officially starts they just wait and when after half an hour of no one showing up they just sit down in the sand listening to music.

-an hour later-

Still, no one has shown up and Tommy moved to sit in front of the tree line saying that this way he will instantly know someone came. After a while, Alice joined him the both of them now sitting together sipping some camomile thee. 

- another hour has gone by-

By now Ghostbur arrived and is making small braids in Alice's hair while she is making braids in Mexican Dream's hair and he  Tommy's hair a sort of braid train still waiting for anyone to show up. Tommy is still holding hope however both Alice and Mexican Dream both know people are not late and are not going to show up, but for Tommy's sake they're holding up the facade. 

- two-hour time skip-

Almost half the day has passed and only dream showed up so the small group is now just eating some cake in silence. Tommy who is just too sad to talk, Mexican dream, and other Dream who are staring each other down, and Alice who is in the middle with Ghostbur scared that if she'll say something it will set one of the men around her off and not wanting to deal with drama. 

Meanwhile, the angel is trying to figure out why no one has come yet, are they mad at Tommy or her? maybe no one got the invites? but that would be strange because Ghostbur delivered them, maybe they got lost it is after all a long way to travel? these thoughts all float around Alice's head while silently munching on her cake. 

Across the table, Tommy himself is contemplating the same thoughts while occasionally letting his eyes wander over the party that is set up in the distance. A feeling of loneliness washes over him making his shoulders shag and appetite disappear. Does no one care about me anymore...does Tubbo not care about me anymore? Starting to slowly tear up Tommy looks up one more time only to meet Alice's deep green eyes which somehow takes away the tiniest feeling of loneliness. 

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