🌊 a festival to never forget 🌊

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Warning: cursing, fire and crazy Wilbur
Song: Burning it all down, PVRIS

Alice POV

It have been three long weeks. Schlatt is drunk most of the time but hasn't done anything to hurt me or tubbo only hurting l'manburg. He has been picking on Quackity and Nikki which didn't end good causing me to snap and go off to Schlatt . I'm only allowed to leave with Schlatt knowing and one of his guard beign with me. Tubbo did manage to vind Tommy and Wilbur giving them information about the current situation.

My plan to escape is done the only thing keeping me from executing is that tubbo is still living with Schlatt and I can't leave the rest behind. ALICE Schlatt yells from the front door making me sigh. I'm here schlatt i yell back. Were having a festival tomorrow and your my date the suited man says walking into the living room. Fine dinner is at six please try your best to be sober Tubbo, Fundy and quackity are under a lot of pressure and could use a calm night he instantly stops pouring his drink and throws it away playfully smirking.

- - - - Time Skip - - - -

So how are the preparations going I ask no one in particular. Really good Quackity let me pick out decorations and Schlatt allowed me to give a speech Tubbo rambles with a big smile. Schlatt pats Tubbo's head before turning to Quackity and whispering something. I just start a conversation with Fundy and Tubbo discussing the festival.  If I wasn't trapped i would actually enjoy the moment it was nice and homely.

All of a sudden both Quackity and Schlatt turn towards me. After the festival we will have a wedding Schlatt announces and I almost choke on my water. What no way in heaven i never agreed to this I say containing my anger. don't care babe a dress will be delivered to your room tomorrow, now excuse me i have a meeting and with that message schlatt stands up and leaves. Everyone turns towards me and i just give them a smile. Schlatt just gave me a reason to escape i can guard the other from a distance.

Schlatt POV

I'm having a scotch with dream because he is going to help me stop  the small revolution that is forming outside and inside my walls. I know that the last thing i need to do to get the power on the smp is marry Alice. Whoever controlled Alice controlled the rest, When i saw the girl for the first time I noticed that Eret, Wilbur and Sapnap had the urge to protect her, and my suspicion got confirmed during the dinner after the election. Sapnap and George hadn't taken they're eyes of her and Dream almost killed me i guesse he has the same urge to protect.

And all it takes to control Alice is threaten Tubbo or Fundy she would do anything to make sure they're oke. Everything is falling into place.  Oh Dream I wanted to invite you and your idiots to my wedding tomorrow i say while taking a sip of the drink. What wedding schlatt, who is the lucky lady Dream snaps with a cold tone. Alice of course moron, Welp gotte go big day tomorrow chuckling i stand up walking towards the bedroom i share with Alice letting dream rage.

Opening the door i see Tubbo and Alice both sound asleep,  Tubbo was to scared to sleep in his own room saying it freaked him out causing him to sleep in our room most of the time.  I would be lying if i said that having them around wasn't nice. Yeah having the power is great and all but having a family is fucking nice too.  After doing my nightroutine i slip into bed and listen to Alice softly mumbling getting a unusual warm feeling in my chest.

- - - - Time Skip - - - -

Alice POV

The festival is actually quite nice. I'm dancing with Nikki and Eret while loud music blares in the background.  Mom MOM my speech is about to begin Tubbo yells while dragging me towards the stage. Together with Schlatt i sit down and we have a small conversation. Looking up is see a flash of red and yellow and Tommy's head pops up from behind a log and he gives me a wave. Suppressing a laugh i wave back.  After that Tubbo starts his speech but a soon as he starts talking the surroundings fades.

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