🌧 a piece of history🌧

342 14 2

Song: Survivor by 2WEI

3de POV
Schlatt and Quackity are whispering in a corner of the stage while Tommy is pacing and Wilbur fumbling with his hands. A feeling of nerves hangs in the air. Alice stops tommy fixing his jacked and tie giving the young blond a smile, after that he straightens his back and a proud look plays on his face. than she goes to hug Wilbur placing her head agains his the nerves flow out of his body.

A few minutes pass and they break apart Wilbur walking towards the mic and the angel goes to sit down with the others. Okey please be quiet, in my hands i hold not only the election results but a piece of history Wilbur yells into the mic getting cheers from the crowd. He takes out the cards everyone on the edge of their seats.

On third place we have Schlatt2020 at his word both Alice and Tubbo let out a breath they had been holding. On the second place we have Swag2020 making Pog2020 the winner of the l'manburg elections of 2020 he yells and Tommy, Nikki and Tubbo jump up and start dancing around on the stage while Alice looks at Wil something is wrong she thinks she can feel it.

WE DID IT WIL WE WON tommy yells jumping up at down besides his big brother. Calm down Tommy, Last night Schlatt2020 and Swag2020 made a deal that they would combine they're results meaning that they...... win Wilbur says turning to face Tubbo with an apologetic expression. Tubbo slumps down in his chair and Alice wraps him in a hug giving Wilbur a apologetic smile. What- no..... Wil we won Tommy stammer switch a hurt and shocked face.

Get of my Fucking stage Tommy Schlatt says with a smirk looking down on the young blond. Wilbur guides Tommy of stage and they sit down sitting down behind Alice who takes they're hands and drawing small circles in they're palms calming them down. You know what i said the day i was let out of exile and running an election that i won btw, I said things are going to changes i looked every citizen of l'manburg in the eye and said you listen to me this place wil be a lot different tomorrow Schlatt says his voice booming true the mic.

Wilbur are you sure that we- tommy stutters with big eyes. My first degree as president of l'manburg, THE EMPEROR of this great nation is to revoke the citizenship of Wilbur Soot and Tommyinnit Schlatt yells and everyone turns towards the two males.

Alice POV
It can't be, certainly I must be mistaken he did not win. Everyone turns towards Wil and Tommy while Fundy and Quackity cheer. Out of the corner of my eye i see Purple and Punz pull they're swords. Standing up i make my sword appear taking a stand between my friends. Run I whisper looking over my shoulders and looking at Tommy and Wilbur, They both look confused and scared. I'll vind you please just go I'll hold them off as long as i can I'm still whispering but my voice sounds way more nervous than i want it too.

After a short stare off with Wilbur he nods and together with tommy he starts to run. Punz starts to run after them and I stop him , After a short fight his sword flies to the air landing in the ground with a soft thumb. I just glare at purple and he just looks back at me before placing back his sword.

Well that was easy, Now Tubbo please come up here and take Alice with you Schlatt yells causing me to focus again.Still holding my sword tightly i take tubbo's hand slowly walking towards the stage. Eret looks me in the eyes a sad smile on his face, Sapnap just looks worried. Reaching then stage i shield Tubbo while a sleepy George stands beside me.

3de POV
The tension is high and everyone is watching the stage. Tubbo my son i would like to offer you a job in my cabinet the goat man says smirking. He is not your kid Schlatt leave him alone Alice spits in his face. No mom its fine, what is it Schlatt Tubbo says taking the girls hand. Mom? We will take about that later, but for now how about being my right hand man the suit man says still smiling.

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