✨Bonding and bracelets✨

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Song: Wonder by Shawn Mendes

Alice POV
A few hours have passed since the Smiley man who's I learned is the so-called tyrant Dream made his threat. After making his treat everyone started laughing again and Wilbur told Dream we would rather die than join him. Dream's reaction was both strange and a bit scary, He just turned around on his heels and walked away not uttering a word.

The guys suggested staying the night in my house they live with me most of the time anyway, and according to them it was easier to stay together in case Dream comes back in other words they want to make sure I don't run off or die. Little do they know I could probably take Dream in a fight and win plus I could beat all of them, but I have strict orders to not use force so, for now, I will just have to play the little damsel in distress.

Sighing I look around at my living room, if I had to describe my house I would say it's a cozy build with a lot of guests rooms so that all the boys can have their own room causing them to live more with me than in their own houses. The living room has a big fireplace giving off a warm glow, the kitchen is connected to the living room so we can all eat together and a meeting room is only a door away. Placing down what I was doing I look at all the boys a heavy feeling falling over my heart.

 ( this is her house its a bit big but I just fell I love with the design)

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( this is her house its a bit big but I just fell I love with the design)

Tommy and Tubbo are sitting back to back in front of the fireplace, silently listening to the disc that is playing in the background. Tommy is obsessed with the vinyl records playing them all day long. Wilbur is reading a book on the couch and Fundy sits next to him drawing what looked like an automatic farm. 

Everyone looks calm except for Eret who is shifting in the chair like they couldn't find a comfortable sitting position, Like something was bothering them so much it physically troubled them. Eret has grown silent over the last few days only giving short replies to questions and avoiding eye contact. It is a bit strange normally we would walk and talk for hours almost always being together. I miss the old Eret. Sitting in my own chair I'm braiding small strands of rope together, and when I'm done I take out the small charms I made days ago attaching them to the now braided bracelet. When all the charms are connected I close my eyes and mumble a few words and upon opening my eyes I see the bracelets now giving off a purple glow

Wilbur POV
Peeking over my book I see almost everyone relaxed. It's a bit weird that we're all so calm shouldn't we be planning strategies and gathering resources I think to myself. No that can always be done tomorrow Dream probably won't try anything soon his side needs to prepare too plus we need all the rest we can get.

Letting my eyes drift true the room my eyes stop on Fundy. He is a brilliant kid and I'm so proud but also a bit sad he never really got the chance to attend a good school just like Tommy and Tubbo. all three of them moved with me when they were around the age of 15, maybe after all this is over we can have a school here. Looking around again I see Eret who stopped moving and is now just staring at the flames in the fireplace. Eret had joined the SMP when they were around 18 and we instantly clicked and ever since that day they have always stood by me.

The last one I study is Alice who is sitting in a chair braiding some rope together. She has only been with us for a month or two but it's like I have known her for years. The only thing about her that is still a mystery to me is her past she never talks about it even when one of us asks about it always saying that it doesn't matter and that she will miss it but found a new home. It's a bit strange almost like she is hiding something. Looking up she gives me a smile and stands up walking towards Tubbo and Tommy.

3de POV
Alice stands u walking towards the two boys and sitting down again with crossed legs. Confused both boys turn to her smiling. I have a little gift close your eyes is all they get. Following the request, both sets of eyes close and she ties the bracelets around their wrists causing her own bracelet to light up for a second before going back to the normal white color.

Tubbo POV
When I opened my eyes a small braided bracelet with a bee and l'manburg charm is hanging around my writs. Even though it's really simple it looks beautiful. The green color seems to glow and the charms are almost alive. I don't know why but the small gift makes me tear up a bit. Next to me, I see that Tommy is tearing up as well. His bracelet is red and instead of a bee charm, two miniature versions of his favorite discs hang on the bracelet. Sitting closer to her I place my forehead against hers while Tommy side hugs her. The bracelet causes all my nerves to float away it gives me the feeling that no matter what happens Alice is here to protect all of us.

Wilbur POV
After Eret gets their bracelet and gives her a kiss on top of her head and Fundy gives her a hug she walks towards me ( Eret's charm is a small crown and Fundy's is a small tulip standing for the nickname she gave him). My bracelet is yellow with a small music note charm. Looking up from the bracelet I see Alice smiling but her mind looks elsewhere like bracelets remind her of something. Wanting her attention back on us I pull her next to me holding her as close as possible. She laughs a bit causing my heartbeat to raise a little

Alice POV
After a few minutes, I pull away from Wilbur missing the hug already. Both Eret and Wilbur make me feel safe like they're my guardian angels its nice but also reminds me a bit of home. Thinking about my old home sends a small sting true my heart. Shaking the feeling off I walk to the middle of the room. So these bracelets are linked to mine if you ever need help you can touch it and I will come to your help and no Tommy not wanting to do your chores is not an emergency I say causing the blond to huff in anger and the rest to laugh

I just want you guys to know that you're never alone in your problems and I'm always here to help I add after the laughing died down. The room goes completely silent after my last words and they all stare at me with big eyes. Smiling I turn around walking back to the chair I sat in earlier but before I can reach it Tommy tackle's me in a hug, and before I know it I'm laying on the floor under a cuddle pile. Thank you the boys yell at the same time causing me to start laughing. No matter what happened tomorrow I know they will always be there for each other.

Author note:
So nothing really happens in this chapter but I just wanted to have a bit of bonding time and the bracelets are going to be important. In the next chapter, I will explain a bit of Alice her powers.
quick question for the people reading this:
who do you want as the main love interest?
Because I have two in mind but I just wanted to know who you guys want Alice to fall in love with.

If something is wrong or you are just looking for someone to talk to feel free to send me a message.
Have an amazing day/midday/night

Love Flora

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