🥀A explosive deal🥀

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3de POV

Alice is training with Technoblade being able to use their powers against each other, teaching each other tricks for battle. It's a fight normally no one would survive but they have Alice's healing so they wil survive. At the same time Dream is meeting with Wilbur in the woods not to far from the training grounds. Why are we here Wilbur Dream questions staring at the deranged man in front him smirking in the process. I heard you have a lot of TNT and i have a plan Dream Wilbur smirks. I can't blow it up Wil i just got Alice on my good side and i need her to stay that for future plans Dream snickers looking Wilbur's smirk fade.

But i can be your vessel, i can be the one to press the button she never needs to know you helped me Wilbur's says after a long silence. All of a sudden a horse appears Tommy riding with a worried face. What are you doing wil the young blond says hopping of the horse. I'm getting rid of it all of it the beanie man laughs gripping onto his siblings shoulders. What....no wil we can take it back Tommy murmurs looking shocked. NO WE LOST IT THE SECOND SCHLATT WON, OUR DREAM OUR HOME IS GONE Wilbur yells all of a sudden a dark look settling over his face.

Dream is silently observing the situation in front of him leaning against a tree. Tommy are we the bad guy's Wilbur says all of a sudden looking up at the blond. W-ha-t n-no were the good guys tommy stutters being scared a bit. But why not our nation is gone manburg is gone, so i say lets blow that motherfucker to smitterien's let blow the whole thing up the tall man says taking a few steps back smile only growing on his face.

Wil-bur what- what are you thinking the teen stutters. Tommy i say if we can't have manburg no one......can have manburg the crazy man yells more to himself than to his brother. Wilbur it's not too far gone alright there is a reason that i gave up my discs and Alice her citizenship WE CAN TAKE IT BACK we can rebuild it to it's former glory, you can't just decide that it's over now your beign reckless Tommy tries again and all three males fall silent.

I-i see it in your eyes and hear it in your voice Tommy Minecraft Innit you're scared, Tommy you're sacred people are going to think different of you, You wil never be president and that is not a challenge it's a promise Wilbur snaps causing Tommy to stumble back a bit.  I can hear it in you're voice you are trying to sound like you know what you're doing so you can prove me wrong the beanie men says grabbing on to the shoulders from the teen.

Everyone is lying to us no one is on our side, Tubbo he is lying to you man he would drop us the second he realises we're not in the lead anymore he adds while tommy stammers something pulling out his sword holding it up in defence and as a treath.

N-o no stop it you're being  extremely wreckless your not the men i see as my president, you've got to pull yourself together man if not for me than for Alice's sake Tommy say's seriously glaring at the man he once called brother. I-i-i see Wilbur stammers taken a back at the mentioning of the girl. He would never hurt his darling he thinks to himself shaking his head trying to shake the thought out of his head.

Listen if you believe rigging it wil give us the upper hand...... if you believe this i wil follow you, But blowing it up is not the right way the teen says lowering the blade and turning his back to the males. Smirking Wilbur walks over to Dream smile growing with each step. Dream puls a duffel bag from his belt going to hand it to Wilbur, but before he can hand over the explosives a arrow fly's true the air pinning the bag to the tree were Dream was standing seconds ago.

What do you think you're doing Alice's voice cuts in appearing from the woods Technoblade trailing behind her. Angel how nice of you too join us Dream says smirking underneath the mask pulling the arrow out of the wood and catching the bag. Totally ignoring the smiley man Alice grabs Wilbur's wrist pulling him with her.

WILBUR MINECRAFT SOOT YOU CAN'T BLOODY DO THIS IT'S CRAZY Alice yells pointing her finger at his face. WHY TOMMY AGREED TO IT AND WITH THE BLADES HELP IT WIL BE GONE IN NO TIME he yells back stepping closer to her. You're manipulating him will he is a 17 year old kid not some kind of war lord plus what happens when it's gone huh what is your great masterplan Alice says calming down but still glaring.

I don't know love but we wil figure it out, to the end of the world remember the tall male pleads trying to take the angry angel's hand. Wilbur you know i love you but I don't know if i can follow you after the end of the world Alice says stepping back and looking sad instead of angry.

When a guardian angel losses someone they need to protect a piece of their soul and it hurts like hell plus, the normal grief it can destroy someone. You wil because i know that we wil always find each other no matter what the crazy man say's showing his old self for a split second. Letting out a sigh Alice walk back to Dream and Tommy leaving behind a confused Wilbur. He stands there for a second before smirking running behind the girl and throwing her on his back knowing she agreed with him. Schokkend about the sudden action Alice tightly holds on to him.

Back at the  meeting place Technoblade and Dream are engaged in a fight Tommy and Tubbo cheering the pink haired male on. The blade wins getting a hug from Alice before leaving with a proud smirk. Tubbo drags Tommy off to go bee hunting and have a day of relaxation leaving Alice with the two crazy male's. She just stands there watching the TNT exchange go down ( she's really just standing there like 🧍‍♀️) . Wilbur happily skips away going to plant the explosives.

The angel just stands there for a few seconds before going to sit down against the tree letting out a sigh and closing here eyes. Dream sits down beside her and without saying anything she starts to heal the wounds he got during the fight. So you wanne talk about it Dream asks turning to Alice when she is done. Hmmhm the girl hums starting to make small braids in his hair.  Seeing that Alice is tired after the weird day and not wanting to ruin the moment Dream let's her enjoying the small moment. They sit there the rest of the day falling asleep at night.


So in this chapter I actually put in some of the dialogue used in the streams and had a lot of fun rewatching the beginning of the SMP so I recommend that if you have time to certainly do the same but only if you want to of course.

TNT is placed and it's only two chapters away from well war.

My mental health hasn't been the best so updates will be a bit slower but I promise i will try to upload as much as i can. That is all for now but I'll be back soon with the rest of the story.

That is all for now have an amazing day or night and have a hug


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