😇 angel squad😇

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Song: I'm good by The Mowgli's

3de POV

Alice had stayed in L'manburg for the night letting dream know about it when she visited the void. Dream wasn't happy about it but i looked like she needed it so he let her have a day with them he could visit her later.

Wilbur POV

I though last night was a dream but when i woke up and saw Alice softly snoring next to me a smile creeped onto my face while I hold her closer. Her eyes fluttered open and she gave me a smile causing my heartbeat to raise. Morning wil want some pancakes she says with a morning voice causing my stomach turn into knots what was happening with me. Yeah I would love that darling i say still smiling.

She leaves the bed and tommy storms into the room. Wilbur did i just see a woman leave your room, did you do you know it he says wiggelen his eye brows. Tommy w-hat no.. she just slept in the same bed as me like we did so many times before my face goes bright red and I'm stuttering i never stutter. Whatever just know that if you ever hurt her I will fuck you up and with that he leaves leaving me confused.

After staying in the bed for a few more minutes i leave the room walking downstairs. Alice and Fundy are flipping pancakes together while they chat with Tommy and Tubbo my family was finally complete again.

Alice POV

We eat breakfast together discussing the day.  Wilbur and Fundy are meeting with a man named Schlatt and Tubbo and Tommy are meeting with Dream wich is a bit weird but i shake it off. Alice we are getting two new members today but can't show them around can you do it your the only one that know l'manburg aswel a us Tubbo says giving me a smile I can't say no to him.

Of course Tubbo i would love to i say giving the boy a smile. Than that is settled wanne have diner after or do you have to go back Fundy questions looking a bit down. Sounds good we can make quiche and that Berry juice you love getting cheers from the boys we spend the rest of the morning talking and just having a relaxed morning.

After breakfast i make my way over to the gates wearing one of Fundy's Jackets sinds mine was torn and Fundy was the closest to my size. Staring at the forest i see two figures appear. A girl with brown and blonde hair wearing a oversized sweater and cute skirt, And a boy with fluffy brown hair a multi colour jacket with jeans.

No way i think to myself. NIKKI KARL i yell and they both look up smiles appearing on all our faces.  We fly into each other's arms jumped in circles and laughing exited. I can't believe it your actually here i say smiling and holding them both close.

George POV

I suddenly get the feeling of extreme excitement and happiness wich means that something really good must have happend to Alice and that makes me happy. I know we aren't on speaking terms but i still love her deeply.  We grew up together living in the same house sinds we were like 2 and just almost always being together. But the older we my feelings changed her laugh made my heart explode and something as simple as a hug made my face heat up.

So when we saw each other again my heart shattered after all this time i see her again and she is my enemy.  She had changed something was different her powers were way stronger than they had been when i left but that wasn't the only thing i just couldn't figure out what it was. When we held her in the cell i just couldn't bring myself to go and see her what would i even say: hey so I haven't seen you in years but now you're back and I missed you and I'm so sorry for locking you up.

I could also see how close she was with Sapnap and that he clearly liked her. It kind of made me jealous she hugged him and cared for him she wasn't even able to look me in they eyes and when she did there was only hurt.

A small knock comes from the door and pulles me out of thought. I open the door and there she is together with Nikki and Karl. Before i can say anything her arms wrap around me and the smell of honey and blossom fill my nose. I pull her as close as i can not wanting to let go more arms join the hug and its like we never the White Castle.

3de POV

The four angels catch up promising each other to start fresh. In no time they're bond is regrown and everything comes back all the memories and feelings. Nikki and Alice are gossiping and catching up while the two boys just watch them both happy to see the girls together again. The girls look at each other with a smirk before jumping the boys and dragging them outside walking towards the small lake and jumping in.

Karl POV

Watching the rest swim makes me smile but i know were not here for a family reunion even though I really want it to be. It started when i came back from one of my time travel journeys a man was standing in the house, It was the king of the White Castle what was he doing here I thought to myself.

Hello Karl he spoke. Hey philza what brings you here I question looking him in the eyes. Philza had trained me, Nikki and Alice i have we were the only ones he ever trained so me and my friends had a good bond with him. Karl its time you and Nikki reunite with the others its coming and your the only ones that can stop it Phil says while we sit down at the small table.

What do you mean its coming i question. Karl do you know why I trained you guys together even tough angels are always trained individually, It's because you, Alice and Nikki are angel born wich means your way more powerful that any angel in the world

And when you're together and combine your power god I don't even know how powerful you are he takes a deep before continuing his story. I saw Alice a while back and her powers are very strong and i know for a fact that there growing every day and your powers are aswel he stops again and makes thee appear taking a small sip.

He isn't wrong my powers are getting stronger and my memory is getting better i can remember almost everything now. You need to help George and Alice to connect again he says with a smile. Fine i will find nikki and we will leave tonight is all i say before going on my way.


Angel squad yess i love it.

But what is coming and how an they stop it.
Sorry for not updating i had big test and still do but I stopped trying my brain cannot handel it so yeah.

Well i hope you're okey ad I'm always here if you need anyone to talk to.

have Huggies


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