🌿 smoke after a fire 🌿

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Song: rain by Grandson and Jessie Reyez

Dream POV
I'm staring at the small grave in front of me. I still don't believe it she is dead, she's actually gone and it's all Schlatt's fault.

- - - Flashback- - -
Smoke was filling the sky and i can see the White House burn. George was on his knees hitting the ground crying and screaming like someone just stabbed him. Sapnap is sitting beside him staring into the flames only one tear rolling down his face. Sap what's going on I question. Alice she-she started the fire and George found a little note saying that she couldn't do it anymore........ she gone Dream Sapnap stammers.

After a few minutes my eyes start to water aswel i fall too my knees aswel sitting beside George. More people come running and when Schlatt sees the fire he starts to scream and curse. My own heart stops she did this because of him we were to late.

- - -flashback end- - -

The service ends and i place down a sunflower at the end of the empty grave. I'm going to end Schlatt in the most painful way and then l'manburg. I sit down and ignore the rest after everyone left i take of the mask and let tears flow down my face. Seeing George and Sapnap cry hurt me, but the worst was when Fundy found out it's not that I like the guy it's just his pain matched mine.

After sitting for a while i stand up i still have to tell Tubbo and the rest of l'manburg. Deciding i can't put it off any longer i start to make my way towards Pogtopia placing the mask back on.

Alice POV
I'm currently shielding Tubbo from the fight thats happening in the pit. Tommy is fighting the pink haired men who's name is Technoblade he joined the revolution because of his family ties to Tommy and Wilbur. Tommy lost his temper when he saw Tubbo wounded and challenged Technoblade to a fight. My mind wanders back to the dreams and a picture of Tommy on the stone floor flashes true my mind.

The only universal language is violence Tommy remember that Technoblade says before leaving the pit and going back to the potato farm. I jump down the the pit and start healing the beaten up boy while softly whispering reassuring words and cradling him tears running down my face. Wilbur a little help please i yell at the male he roles his eyes but still jumps down lifting up his younger brother and carrying him to his room to rest. After calming down Tubbo i send him to bed too.

Silently i walk back to the planning room Wilbur trailing behind me. WHAT THE HELL WIL YOU SHOULD HAVE STOPPED HIM HE LOOKS UP TO YOU, WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU i yell hitting his chest but not doing any damage. Wilbur changed when I came back, he had a bad temper against everyone except me he became extremely overprotective over me following me everywhere i went. We were always close but this was different almost suffocating.

I want it gone Alice all of it just BOOM he says with a crazy smile. W-w-what i stammer taking a step back. L'manburg is corrupted we lost it the day Schlatt took over don't you see it Alice its needs to be gone, after that we take Tubbo, Tommy, Fundy and start over Wilbur says taking my hand and staring into my eyes looking extremely hopeful.

Even tought it sounds really good I can't leave not now. Wil l'manburg is our home we can take it back please don't do anything this I'm scared of what he can do he looks crazy. FINE BUT IF IT GOES WRONG I'M BLOWING IT TO THE FUCKING GROUND he yells before storming out of the room.

After sitting stil for a while i decide to check up on Tommy and Tubbo there both peacefully asleep. Letting out a small sight i walk towards the stairs and leave the ravine. Outside it's raining start running until my legs can't take it anymore and i drop to the ground getting surrounded by flowers. Somehow i ended up in the flower field. Looking up at the grey sky water drips on my face.

Hey nerd what are you doing a monotone voice says. I'm seriously rethinking my live Technoblade i snap back still being angry about the beating. AAAH mind if I join you he says sitting down. After a long silence i take a deep breath, Why did you shoot my tubs i blurt out.

Peer pressure is all i get back with a grump. Hmm well don't ever touch him or tommy again because i will kick your ass i say sitting up. Like you could he chuckles. Is that a challenge mister Blade taunting him i stand up making my sword appear.

Technoblade POV
Alice stands up and a sword appears. Oh so she is like me and my father I already suspected it. There was another thing different about her the voice's were going crazy in my head. They were saying that no matter what happened i needed to keep her safe. I can see why Wilbur likes her not that i would ever admit it tough. So you challenging the blood god so be it i say making my own sword appear. She doesn't looked shocked at all but actually smiles. Another celestial there seem to be a lot around here after her words she attacks.

- - - - 20 minutes skip - - - -

I have to admit she is good but I'm better and with that i tackle her, But what I didn't expect her to grab my cloak dragging me down with her. What the hell nerd i scream. Now we both lose Alice says laughing. Seeing her smile makes me smile for some weird reason. Come on nerd we have to go home before Wilbur tries to kill me for taking you standing up i offer my hand and she takes it. Her small hand fits perfectly in mine and the voice's go silent. Hand in hand we walk back a smile playing on my lips.

Dream POV
Reaching Pogtopia i see Wilbur pace at the entrance of the ravine. Wilbur gather your men i had news demanding i walk inside the ravine. TOMMY TUBBO GATHER AROUND Wilbur yells and Tubbo helps a limping Tommy towards a table. So Dream what is it Wilbur snap nervously glancing at the stairs. First of all i support your side in the war Schlatt needs to go i say placing down my crossbow. Why green bitch what do get out of it Tommy snaps. Alice died during the night of the fire and we found a note saying she couldn't do it anymore, its Schlatt's fault and i want him dead my voice is cold.

Looking up they don't seem sad but confused. Well I guess the plan worked a soft voice says behind me. Turning around i see her standing next to Technoblade alive and well. Princess i stammer. Hey lillypad i lit the house on fire and gave George the note to escape Schlatt she whispers with a small smile on her face.

Not really listening to her word i walk up to her my hand reaching for her face but stopping last second a bit it scared that she isn't real.
Stil smiling she wraps her arms around my waist still a bit in shock i do the same and relax. Don't ever scare me like that again I whisper stroking her hair. I won't Dream she whispers back and we stand like that for a while.

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