🌻Good times never last🌻

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Song: arsonist's Lullabye by Hozier

3de POV

Alice has been living with Eret for a few weeks slowly but surely regrowing their friendship. You would never see them apart always together, spending every minute of every day just being close to each other. When Eret had to work he would ask her to join him and she would sit in his office reading a book. The only time they weren't with each other was when Sapnap would come to visit and when they had to sleep.

Alice had missed her friend and was happy he came to visit. They had spent the day wandering true the castle and watching the flowers. The second time he visited they had gone out in search of pets. Alice had gotten Sapnap a panda while he found her a dog. That night they both went home with bright smiles on their faces.

At night Alice would visit l'manburg making sure that they were okay. Together with Tubbo and Tommy, she had gone to the flower meadow to get Tommy a cow and Tubbo a bee. She learned Fundy to bake and Alice had illegally adopted him not telling Wilbur it was their little secret.

her bond with Wilbur had also become stronger they spent hours talking and he learned her to play the guitar. She was happy that she saw them again but it did cause her to be extremely tired.

Alice POV
I was sitting in Eret's office reading a book while they worked he sometimes looked up checking I was still there and each time I gave them a smile. At some point, I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up I wasn't in the office anymore I was in the living room that Eret and I shared.

 At some point, I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up I wasn't in the office anymore I was in the living room that Eret and I shared

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( this is what I imagine but you can choose anything you want of course :)

Eret is reading a book on the other side of the couch I was lying on. Morning my sunshine they said from behind the book. Morning dear how long was I out for I greet and question. Half a day and the entire night you must have been really tired is your room not comfortable they say putting down the book and looking concerned. Eret the room is amazing I just have been having some trouble sleeping but I will be fine no need to worry I answer giving them a smile.

A worried feeling came over me I hadn't visited l'manburg and I didn't really give them a reason I hope they are okay I shouldn't have fallen asleep. Sunshine are you, okay you look worried Eret's voice breaks me out of thought. what..... oh yeah I'm fine wanna go for breakfast I stumble trying to change the subject.

- - - - Time Skip - - - -

I was working in my garden in front of the small cottage I had found with Eret while exploring the garden. It was an old overgrown house but it was beautiful so with Eret's permission I was allowed to renovate it but only if they could help and visit anytime he wanted and of course, I agreed.

( cottage core baby I love it )

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( cottage core baby I love it )

The sound of Eret humming and the birds singing got interrupted by running footsteps. I looked up and see a very out-of-breath Sapnap whisper something to Eret both of them looking at me. A bit confused I made my way over to them.

Hey, panda what brings you to these beautiful gardens I say giving the man a hug. Oh, nothing just some business with Eret he stammers. I raise my eyebrow Sap don't lie to me what is wrong I can see it on your face. Oke but try not to get too mad Tommy challenge dream to a bow duel and he agreed the man says staring at his feet.

They did what I ask concern and anger filling my voice. The fight will take place at dawn tomorrow and it's for the independence of l'manburg and your freedom Eret answers me.

I just stare a both of them a hundred thoughts going true my head I have to do something I can't let him die I just can't he is Tommy the hot head gremlin child I have come to love. the boy who I see as my little brother.

If you boys will excuse me I have to go and have a chat with dream I say while touching the charms on my bracelet and feeling my wings unfold. Sapnap's jaw dropped You - what how huh He stammers. Alice dear what are you going to do Eret's voice I stern the normal calmness is gone. Not responding I take off hearing the screams of protests getting dimmer and dimmer.

Dream POV
I was sitting in the dining room going over the deal with Tommy, it's a good deal and I will surely win and then this war will finally be over I can finally live in peace with my friends. A knock on the door pulls me out of thought George goes to open it and I expect to see Sap but instead, there is a very pissed Alice.

Alice what- George begins but he gets cut off by her Not now Cornflower she snaps. She walks into the house and sends me a death glare. I see you heard about my deal with Tommy I say carefully. 


Angel calm down I won't kill him I say still trying to calm her down. Oh don't worry dream I won't give you the change I'm taking his place she says her voice cold all of a sudden. WHAT NO ALICE George screams. Angel, I'm not fighting you I say smirking. Too bad love see you tomorrow at dawn don't be late and George if I don't survive I hope you won't abandon everyone again and with that, she leaves.

George is shaking and I can see tears roll down his face it hurts me to see him like this so I just walk up to him and wrap my arms around him hugging my best friend. She is going to be fine George I will not kill her I whisper calming him down but secretly trying to ease my mind as well.

Tommy POV
I am absolutely freaking out what did I just do my stupid anger took over again Alice learned me to control it but when she hadn't shown up and dream visited us my anger took over. Wilbur had led me to the living room to discuss the situation and gave me advice.

The front door opens I expect Fundy or Tubbo but I see Alice walking in. Wilbur stands up and I do the same expecting a lecture, instead, she pulls me into a hug. I let out a sob I didn't know I was holding I hated showing weakness but she always made me show emotion. Alice, I did something really stupid I say sobbing. Shhh calm down tom I took care of it her soothing voice says while cradling me in her arms. What do you mean with you took care of it Wilbur's voice says. I took his place I hear her say.


Bow duals suck.

Btw did you guys see Wilbur's last stream damm I was impressed with both Tommy and Wilbur's acting skills I had literal chills :)

I hope you are okay and have a good whatever time you live in and if not I'm always here to help. Ily guys have some hugs but only if you want to.

LY my darlings

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