⭐️The void ⭐️

684 26 4

Song: Aftermath by Caravan Palace

Alice POV
My body feels weightless and my mind is blanc, I feel at peace like nothing in the world matters. I must have passed out again this better not become my thing because if it is I am going to throw hands.

I open my eyes and see nothing just a white void. I slowly get up trying to stand but I don't see the ground or a floor so it's strange when I feel something solid under my feet. When I am standing solidly I look down at myself checking for injuries I see nothing. Then I notice that I am not wearing my normal clothes I am wearing a beautiful white gown.

( this is an example gown you can choose and dress you want )

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( this is an example gown you can choose and dress you want )

It's beautiful but I have no clue why I am wearing it and how I got it. Hello, Alice, it's nice to see you here I heard a voice say all of a sudden. I look up and my eyes meet with a white mask it looks like dreams mask but instead of a smiley, there is an x drawn on it. I take a step back and study the figure in front of me.

The figure is wearing a white robe with a green scarf and an eye of ender holding it together. Dirty blonde hair peaked over his mask. I then see that he has wings that look like mine. I quickly turn my head to look at my wings and I see that they are out as well I move my hands towards the charm on my bracelet but I get stopped by a hand grabbing my wrist.

No need to hide them beautiful there is no one here but us he speaks. I can feel my face heat up. Aww does that fluster my princess he says in an amused voice.  So who are you? What is this place and why am I here? I snapped back. Well, I can't tell you my real name not yet so, for now, you can call me XD, we are in the void a place between your world and the place you call home and you are here because I have been observing you and I wanted the pleasure to talk to you myself. He answers in a stern voice.

Well nice to meet you XD the void thing is a bit weird and the observing thing is a bit creepy I answered trying not to sound freaked out. He just chuckled and sat down patting the spot next to him.

- - - - Time Skip - - - -

I had a nice conversation with XD just talking about everything he really started to grow on me. He was a kind person but I couldn't shake the feeling that I had met him before. What are you thinking about princess XD said in an amused voice. You know me in my life on the dream SMP don't you, I asked. He stayed silent, yes I know you but I also know that you would never speak to me in our 'real world' he whispers.

I stand up and pull him up with me and when we are both up I pull him in a hug. He tensed up the poor soul probably doesn't get a lot of affection. After a few seconds, he wraps his arms around me as well and pulls me closer and places his head on top of mine.

I hear his heartbeat and it calms me down as well. It reminds me of Wilbur and Eret hugging me and it reminds me of home. Can we please stay here forever XD says. I chuckled well XD I have to go back to the SMP because I'm afraid that if I don't go back they will start another war and I can't have that since there is still one going on I say into his chest. He lets out a sigh can I at least see you again I really like talking to you. Of course my Lily pad I say while smiling into his chest. Lily pad he questions but I can hear the smirk in his voice.

Yeah sorry, I hope you don't mind I always name the people I care for after plants and flowers because nature makes me happy and calm just like them I say while smiling. I can hear his heartbeat raise and I giggle ( AN: I am so sorry I really tried to not use the word giggle). XD I have to go back I whisper into his chest. Five more minutes pleasssseee he whined. Oki Doki but then I really need to go my lily pad.

XD/Dream POV
Of course, I knew who she was but if she knew who I really was she would hate me. I really liked talking to her and I just wanted to hold her close. So when we took her from Eret's room an idea had come into my head.

When I started the SMP I had one morning wake up in the flower field with the White Castle, a man named Phil told me that I had been granted the powers of a god to protect my newfound land. Over time I learned how to use my powers. I could enter dreams and minds and I could fly. But I hadn't been able to bring people to the place I now called the void. But somehow managed to bring Alice her and when I saw her wings it had become clear to me she was like me in some way.

I was holding her and when she called me her friend and gave me the nickname my heartbeat raised and my face heated up. I was holding her until I felt that my body at the SMP was waking up. Princesses, I think it's time that you go back I said in a soft voice. I let go of her and looked into her eyes, she gave me a smile and hummed in reply. We sat down again and she laid her head on my shoulder. In the corner of my eye, I could see her slowly falling asleep and before I knew it she was gone.

Dream POV
I woke up my heart still raising and my face still as red as a tomato. I sat up in shock running my fingers true my hair. What am I doing I spoke to myself. Why do you have this effect on my angel I sighed again before letting myself fall down on the bed and closing my eyes drifting off to sleep again.

So yeah another celestial being. And it seems that XD has a thing for Alice.

Were at 97 reads this is absolutely crazy thank you for reading it means the world to me.
I hope you are well and if not I am always here to talk

Huggies luvs

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