🌫 Trust 🌫

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Dream POV

With a bag hanging over my shoulder and a sword in my hand, I walk true the forest close to the area Tommy and Alice are currently residing. The plan is to stay a couple of days to see their process and make sure they don't run, knowing very well Alice is a fight or flight risk and if she ran Tommy would go with her.

A tower made of cobblestone towers out over the trees letting me know I'm almost there and I hurry up. The woods themselves are quiet, no sounds of nature only a soft wind blowing true the trees making a small humming sound sending shivers up my spine. Hurrying my pace I go over the last few weeks, I had started to reduce the number of letters Tommy and Alice would receive, visit them more frequently, and told people not to visit them with the excuse that they were still settling in.

Tommy slowly becomes more trusting and dependent on me while Alice is still very hesitant and distrusting causing Tommy to not fully trust me yet, slowing down my plan a lot. But slowly I see Alice lose sleep and willpower making me almost regret my plan, it feels so wrong to manipulate my poor angel but it had to be done.

while thinking a rustle comes from one of the nearby trees and a few seconds later something drops on my shoulders forcing me to fall to the ground. something sharp is pressed against my throat and looking up two green eyes almost pierce my mask. Hey angel I smirk not making any effort to get up. Hey, smiley she smiles back slowly getting up hanging the blade on her belt, and offering me a hand. Expecting the hand I get up dusting off my clothes and picking up the bag that fell. Did you have to jump me I grump getting only a shrug in reply before Alice walks off leaving me alone. 

Following behind her we get to the campsite and see Tommy waiting at the tree line smiling excited when he spots me beside Alice. Getting wrapped in a hug I softy laugh and pat the teen's back before letting go and leaning against a tree. Looking him up and down I see bags under his eyes and bruises from building doted on his skin there is no scar, wound, or scratch and bandages wrapped around his hands Alice must have been taking care of him by healing and bandaging him so he won't get hurt anymore. He looks tired but not broken as I want him to he's smiling and laughing even under circumstances he looks to be clinging onto something and I know damm well what it is.

So green bitch any letters for me Tommy yells grinning widely. No sorry, Tommy everyone is busy his shoulders sag and his entire face almost crumbles wiping all the happiness away in one swoop making me smirk behind the mask this is where it stings with him. Turning on his heels Tommy walks away towards the beach, head still hanging. Alice glares at me and goes after him leaving me alone at the camp.

Staying behind I snoop around going true everyone's stuff taking Tommy's stuff and storing them in the bag I took with me so I can dispose of them later. having everything I move on to Alice's tent. Inside there is a thin mattress and a pillow together with a sleeping bag and some cooking supplies nothing interesting until my eyes fall on her bag that is stuffed under the pillow.

Picking it up, a notebook falls out making me smirk for a second. Picking it up I just read the page it fell open on.

- - - - Notebook entry 12-20-20 - - - -

days are starting to fade into weeks and if it wasn't for the journal I would have no idea what day it would be. It feels like forever since I saw Tubbo or Fundy or any of my friends something is off they should already have visited, maybe I should give the next letter to Ghostbur yeah that is probably smart since Dream is for sure messing with the mail system or I'm just getting really paranoid from the sleep loss.

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