🍃A new home and old friends🍃

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Song: ultimately by Khai Dreams

George POV
Fine Alice can stay here. What I yell anger rising in my chest. Dream a word please I say still angry. I drag Dream into a side room Sapnap trailing behind us. WHAT THE HELL DREAM SHE IS OUR HOSTAGE WERE SUPPOSED TO KEEP HER I scream throwing my arms in the air.

SHE IS GOING TO RUN AS SOON AS SOON AS SHE CAN BACK TO L'MANBURG AND I WILL LOSE HER AGAIN my anger is taking over. Both Sapnap and dream look up I can't see dreams face but I know he is confused.

Shit should not have said that. What I mean is that if she escapes we will lose our leverage I say carefully. I would lie if I said that It didn't hurt to speak about her like that but I needed to remind myself that she is the enemy and not my friend. I will tell Eret to place around extra guards Dream says calmly. She is smart she will always find a way out especially if she has a goal I spit at them.

And how would you know that you haven't even spoken to her Sapnap questions. Yeah, I would like to know that to George please enlighten us Dream sneers. That doesn't matter right now the only thing that matters is that we can't have her stay here I simply reply.


SHE WAS COMPLETELY DRAINED WHEN WE ARRIVED BUT STILL DANCED WITH ME AND ERET THE ENTIRE NIGHT WITHOUT COMPLAINING BECAUSE SHE CARES Sapnap screams all of sudden. She did not choose this we could have taken anyone but you decided to take her Sap say trying to calm himself.

My face turns red he a right I could feel it. I felt her emotions and I felt her get sadder every day. I - I fine but this isn't over yet I reply reluctantly.

3de POV
Dream talks to Eret while Sapnap is hugging Alice almost refusing to let her go when dream says that they have to leave. Sapnap what If you come to visit Alice in two days when she is settled in Eret suggest. Yeah, Panda I would love that we can roam the castle together Alice says excitedly. She is going to miss him a lot he was kind to her and has become a good friend. Really yeah I would love that The boy replies hugging her again. George and Dream have to drag him home.

Alice POV
after the dream team is gone I'm left with Eret feeling comfortable but extremely tired. Eret must have noticed because they take my hand and lead me down a hallway. This is my room and yours is next to it they say pointing towards two doors and waking me towards a purple door. I open the door and let out a small gasp It's beautiful I love it.

Glad you like it sunshine I will collect you in the morning for a tour of the castle they say sending me a smile

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Glad you like it sunshine I will collect you in the morning for a tour of the castle they say sending me a smile. Really you would do that, that sounds amazing I say giving him the brightest smile I have. Sleep well my sunshine I missed and love you. Sleep well my king I love you and missed you too. He leaves and I don't even bother to take off the dress I just lay in bed and fall asleep instantly.

- - - - Time Skip - - - -

I wake up and look around for a second a bit confused. The castle is silent and a small idea is starting to form in my head. I leave my bed and walk over to the window. grabbing the handles but the door won't budge I try my powers but I am completely drained.

looking around I find a bobby pin and start to pick the lock, silently thanking Fundy for teaching me. The lock pops open and I step on the balcony attached to my room. Touching the charm on my bracelet smiling when feeling the wings on my back. Checking for guards I take off silently in the night.

Wilbur POV
Tommy, I know you are worried but you need to eat and sleep I say to the young blond boy in front of me. we have rebuilt Alice's house since it was the biggest and it felt like home, I was outside with Tommy trying to get him to bed and sleep. She wouldn't want you to treat yourself like this I say forcing a fake smile. The boy didn't reply he just stared into the flames of the campfire blankly.

I hear a small sound coming from the forest scared it's one of the dream team members I pull my sword and go inspect the origin of the sound I see a figure in the shadows and push my sword against the neck of my victim. 

State your name and your business I say with a stern voice. Wilby it's me a soft voice replies. I study the figure its smaller than me and wearing a yellow dress a small glow coming from the pale skin, My eyes then drift towards the wings and I drop the sword. A-Alice is it real you am I  dreaming I whisper afraid that it's not real. No, I am real the girl replies.

Without another word I wrap my arms around her holding her as close as I can. she hugs me back and we melt into each other's touch small sobs are coming from my chest and I feel my eyes tear up well. 

How are you here did you escape I just start rambling. Wilbur darling calm down, I will explain everything but can I first see the rest I am extremely worried about them she muffles into my chest. Of course, follow me I say taking her hand determined to never let it go again.

when Tommy sees her he doesn't believe it a first but when he sees the glow of his bracelet he pulls her into a bone-breaking hug I reluctantly let go. 

I go and get tubbo and fundy they don't believe me and think I am pulling a prank but in the end, they come with me. When we arrive a the campfire Alice is sitting on the ground with a sleeping Tommy on her shoulder and she is humming the l'manburg anthem making my heart skip a beat. Tubbo and Fundy tackle her in a hug waking Tommy and now screaming Tommy.

I sit down behind her placing my head on top of her the smell of lavender and honey fills my nose wrapping my arms around her waist making sure she is really there. Tubbo and Tommy lay down their heads on either side of her shoulders while Fundy lies down his head in her lap. Alice dear what happened? I ask And she starts explaining.

3de POV
After she was done the boys all cuddle up to Alice wanting to make her feel at home. Damm woman they're all simps Tommy laughs causing everyone to roll in the grass dying of laughter. Slowly the sun starts to rise causing Alice to become a little restless.

I have to go my love's before Eret and the royal guard notice that I'm gone Alice says trying to stand up but getting pulled back by the boys. Stay here we can and will fight for you Tommy says. Boys, they will hurt you and I can have that I really need to go but I will visit every night I promise. They say their goodbyes and agree to meet again tomorrow. Alice arrives back at the castle her mind at ease for the first time in a week.

Yeah, the team is back together but how long will the happy times last.

I can't thank you all enough for the amazing amount of reads.

LOVE YOU GUYS have some Huggies


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