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Song: can i exist by missio

Alice POV
After Tubbo fell asleep and I managed to get him home Eret comes to pick me op. Dropping me off at the cottage they leave for the castle. I change into my pyjamas and drink a cup of rose thee starting at the flames in the fire place rethinking the events of today. Thinking about what would happen if schlatt becomes president a shiver runs down my spine.

Trying to get rid of the creepy feeling i decide to brush my teeth and go to bed. Curling up underneath the blankets i feel nugget snuggle against me. The peaceful feeling of sleep overtakes me and i close my eyes letting the darkness take over.

I wake up again and but not in my bed I'm laying on a wooden path that looks like the prime path. Curious I decide to follow the path seeing the familiar walls of l'manburg. When I finally get to the walls they disappear and get replaced by a red banner. Walking past the banner i spot a gallow in front of the stage

On the stage Schlatt and Tubbo stand side by side both smiling, All of a sudden tubbo gets boxed in and a man with pink hair shoot him. Before i can reach him the surroundings change and I'm in a dark cave like surrounding seeing tommy get beat up by the same pink haired man. He falls to the ground and blood is everywhere before i can come to help him I'm already somewhere else.

This time its Fundy in front of a burning l'manburg flag and the next scene is Eret back at the control room. The scenes starts to swirl around me and i see death after death, and the people i love hurt or wounded. Tears start flowing down my face and i drop to my knees covering my ears and closing my eyes not wanting to hear and see the scenes anymore.

Something touches my shoulder and i flinch up and see a big red object surrounded by red vines, lava and red grass patches. Staring at the red objet a sharp pain shoots true my head letting out a scream i feel the familiar feeling of the floor. When the pain seeps away an I'm able to open my eyes and a dark room with scribbles on the walls appears.

In the middle of the room a person is sitting on a wooden chair facing a wooden button. Walking up to the persons i crouch down in front the chair. Seeing Wilbur stare back at me with a sad and crazy expression before i can say a word he pushes me aside and presses the button. Loud noises fill the air and a ringing noise erupts in my ears.

Two arms wrap around me creating a shield against the loud noises and explosions. Alice open your eyes its over a familiar voice fills my ears. Doing as asked my eyes flutter open and the familiar green fabric engulfs me. Phil what is happening I question scared of the answer. I don't know i just had a feeling you were in stress and i came to help the crow father explains not letting go.

When he finally lets go and were no longer in the horrible room but in front of the White Castle. My dear the future is going to be unsure and dangerous, the people around you are changing be careful the men speaks again. Wait what does he mean with people are changing.

Phil I'm failing them arn't i I question. What no Alice even celestials can't control the future all you can do is stand by them and love them Phil scolds making me chuckle. Now you need to go back and, say hi to Karl for me is the last thing i hear before darkness takes over again.

Sitting up shaking and heavily breathing i rub my eyes. Looking around i see that again I'm not in my bed but just outside the castle grounds. Why is this happening why can't i just wake up in my own bed and were is nugget is he okey. Yellow a soft voice says and turning around i see Karl in a white swirl hoodie grey jeans and white goggles on his head.

Karl were are we and were did you get those awesome goggles I question while standing up and dusting of my not familiar clothes. I'm wearing a similar hoodie and grey tennis skirt with a rose flower crown on my head. I did not wear this when i went to bed what the honk is going on.

You have them too don't you the Dreams he questions. Yeah and i keep ending up in places I don't know its kind of scary ducky i say hugging my friend.

Karl POV

Its getting closer i can feel it. Deciding i need to clear my head i go for a walk. Halfway a sting in my head causes me to blackout. I see Alice and Phil in front the White Castle but before i can do anything i wake up again and see her laying on the ground. When she wakes up i can spot he fear in her eyes.

She is having the visions and dreams too I'm sure of it. When we were little we would spend hours in the library studying visions, dreams and time. Practicing to remember the tings we would see or dream about. Hugging her back i can feel her calm down and i do the same we always had that effect on each other.

After a while of just standing we break apart and she explains everything she saw. My time travailing was getting stronger but my mind worse. Ducky wanne go to the royal library Alice asks and the nickname makes me happy. Like we used to that sounds really good but I haven't seen it so you need to show me around i say excitement bubbling in my chest.

Really yeyeyeyeyyey i would love to they have everything its amazing chuckling at her excitement we are on our way towards the castle. Alice has a chat with the guards before going inside guiding the way towards the library. Opening the doors my mind almost explodes its huge.

What the HONK i just scream and Alice starts to laugh

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What the HONK i just scream and Alice starts to laugh. I know right Alice says jumping at her spot and clapping. Running my hands over the book spines and taking some with me i walk back to Alice who sits down and picks up a book. Sitting back to back the memories come back i had missed her its nice to be around her.

3de POV
The duo stay in the library for the entire night reading and recalling old memories. Both forgetting about all the weird dreams and just enjoying the silence. When Eret goes to look for Alice in the morning they laughs a bit when they spot the two sleeping angels asleep on a pile of books.


Dream Dream little angel, Jup I have gone crazy because of the quarantine.

I hope your all Oki because well corona is sucky and depressing. I'm here if you need to talk or just in search for a friend. thank you for the support of the book its a lot of fun to write.

Have all the Huggies in the word but only if you want of course because consent.


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