⭐️ live goes on ⭐️

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Song: I'm not angry anymore by cummrs

3de POV
Its been a month sinds L'manburg almost met its end, but the citizens have been slowly rebuilding. The nation is almost build back up as good as possible ignoring the now giant TNT holes in the ground.  Phil moved to the nation to watch over his remaining children, Technoblade moved far away no one hearing from him in months , Alice build her l'manburg house back up living there now. Every morning Alice would visit Wilbur's grave Tommy sometimes joining her.

Fundy and Tommy had grown very close to Alice after Wilbur's death because she's now more of a parent to them than anyone else. A few more people moved to l'manburg,  A guy named Ranboo ,A guy named Jack Manifold, and a girl named Minx.

Alice POV
For the first time in weeks i'm alone in the house, Tubbo is with Quackity and Fundy working, Tommy is with Ranboo and the rest is busy with the construction of L'manburg.  Sipping my thee i stare at my book nugget sleeping in my lap. It's silent... way to silent something is definitely wrong. Starting to read again my door gets kicked in followed by a screaming Tommy and Ranboo who are coffers in ash. WOMAN HIDE US Tommy yells. I'm not going to question it now but I definitely will later, now there is a storage room under the kitchen you can use that just watch out to not trample the carrots i say looking down at the book again.

They leave and only five minutes later someone knocks on my door, sighing i put the book down and get nugget off my lap going to open the door. Why is there always chaos in this place i think before opening the door an getting met with the mask of Dream, and even tough I can't see his expression somehow i can feel anger radiate off him. Dream what can i do for you on this lovely sunny afternoon i say trying to sound as sweet as possible.

Were are they Alice he hisses back. Trying to keep my cool I just smile and see George walk up to the house covered in ash. George are you oke I almost yell pulling him to me and checking for injury only to find a few burns that I quickly heal. Ignoring the glares from Dream I invited them both in and make thee having them explain why they're looking for the two teens. They burnt his house Angel you have to understand that I can't let that go so easy it's a violation of the treaty Dream explains tilting his mask to take a sip of the warm drink.

I get it but what if they just help George rebuild and he can stay in the guest room here until it's fixed i try wanting to have the sentence as minimally as possible Tommy has it hard enough already with the death and Ranboo is a bit all over the place. No can't do angel they have to face consequences now me and George have to leave and tell Tubbo well see him tomorrow he says standing up and hugging me before dragging George out of the front door.

- - - - Time Skip - - - -

After Dream and George left Tommy and Ranboo come out of hiding being scolded by me and i send them to their home before starting dinner. Fundy and Tubbo come home looking very tired so i sent them to sleep on the couch until dinner is ready. During the cooking process i just continue reading the old plant book Karl got me looking for the weird red vine plant i keep dreaming about. When dinner is down ranboo an Tommy storm true the door yelling waking up Tubbo and Fundy .

Having a quite dinner Tubbo suddenly erupts going off against his friends yelling and screaming about the fire and how he has to deal with dream now trying not to start another war I promise to help him in the negotiations. The rest of the dinner goes by and at the end i go to make thee.

A knock comes from the door which is weird since no one is supposed to visit until tomorrow. Upon opening the door the thee pot i was holding falls out of my hands scattering upon hitting the floor. Wilbur is standing there with a blue sheep behind him, he looks very pale and is wearing a yellow sweater with a sticht up pad where Phil impaled him. Woman are yo- shit ghostbur i told you too wait a bit longer before you visit her Tommy yells before hugging me. W-will how.... I stammer getting out of Tommy's hold and walking over to the pale figure reaching out for his hand but halting mid way scared.

Not really sure how to deal with the situation I first pull Tommy behind me in case the ghost figure try's something and than look straight into the grey eyes from the strange floating person. So uhm Wilbur how are you here i saw you die i stammer still a bit at loss of words. Ooh no silly you think I'm alivebur I'm not I'm ghostbur and this is friend ghostbur smiles pointing at the blue sheep beside him. Right but sweetheart that still doesn't explain how your here you smiling softly at the sheep i try to not sound scared.

I dunno the first thing I remember is waking up in this dark room and than seeing Tommy oh and I remember you so i asked Tommy who told me you live here, but than he told me not to visit you but I really wanted to so now I'm here he giggles tilting his head and smiling warmly while the sheep baahs. So ghostbur do you wanne come in I offer stepping aside to let him in. He looks stunned for a second before hugging me tightly making both him and tommy gasp. What What I question shocked looking worried. Well normally people go true him look Tommy says waving his hand true the ghosts stomach hand going right true his body.

See Tommy i told you I needed to visit her she might be the answer ghostbur squeals hugging me again making me slightly tense and I stumble away quickly going to make thee.

3de POV

The ghost floats into the house Tommy following behind him. The rest of the l'manburg smile's at seeing the ghost greeting them happily nod starting to chat with him, while Alice makes thee wrapping her head around the situation. Handing everyone there drink she sits down besides the ghost and the sheep nugget jumping in her lap. So ghostbur i wanted to ask you about the memory thing what do you remember Tubbo questions petting the blue sheep's fur. Mostly the good things the bad memories are gone leaving holes in my brains, but i do remember Alice I guess Alivebur didn't think that any memories with Alice was bad the ghost smiles clinging onto Alice again.  All the boys make gagging noises making Alice softly chuckle and shush them. Boys stop it that's really sweet of him to say Alice snickers hugging the clingy ghost back. While the group chats its starts to pour down outside and thunder booms outside.

Getting worried Alice turns to the now shivering sheep Ghostbur do you have a place to stay or to keep friend dry. We live in a sewer ghostbur chirps. WHAT you can't live in a sewer please take the guest room tonight well build you a home in l'manburg tomorrow she says almost sleeping tired from everything that happened that day. Oh that sounds lovely the ghost chirps again mostly talking to the others in the room since Alice is already soundly asleep. Laughing softly the boys keep talking almost like the old days while the rain hits the windows.


So it took me a while but here is a new chapter, i have more planned out but am doubting if it should be like a part two book or just continue to write it in this book what do you all think.

I will try to upload more and i know i say this a lot but i will really try. Now further more i hope your all oke and have a wonderful day/night.

Love you all my sunshine's
-Flora <3

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