🌿 the promise and the prediction🕊

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Song: Godlight by Noah Kahan

Alice POV
Almost everyone is suited up in their new armour looking intimidating but proud smiles adoring their faces, Wilbur and myself are the only ones in normal clothing both of us decided to follow the traditional l'manburg rules. Alice darling can we talk i hear Wilbur say and turning around he has a dark look shadowing his face.

I don't think she can Fundy snaps stepping in front me. The tension between the two had been high Fundy still doesn't really trust his father and carry's a resentment towards him. Fundy sweetie its fine, now will follow me i say giving him a smile before walking off to my room the tall man trailing behind me. So what did you want to talk about I question after the door gets closed behind me. You have to promise me something Alice he says leaning against the wall the dark look being replaced by a deranged one. Sure......but is everything oke wil you're acting strange again I mumble a dreadful feeling settling in my stomach.

If something happens to me I'm appointing Tommy as the next president, and i need you to promise me to stand by him no matter what happens is all i get my question getting ignored. Of course I promise but why- i stop myself when relaxation hits me like a slap in the face. The dreams are not just nightmares they're visions, Tommy in the pit Tubbo on the stage they all already happend. How could i have been so ignorant so naive.

The button will were is it I question sternly. That doesn't matter all that matters is that it will be gone soon and we'll be free Wilbur says stepping forward and trying to take my hand but fear makes me take a step back he's lost it. Are you scared of me love? I've never seen you scared its kind of cute he says this time grabbing my chin forcing me to look at him, His normal brown eye's are replaced by blood red ones. I'm not scared of you I'm scared of you have become, you are willing to send the people you swore to protect and help into a war you already gave up on i say giving him a glare.

Don't give me that look darling he chuckles. Listen wil I don't know what happend but this is not you this i not the person I promised to follow the person I loved i say stepping back so his arms fall to his side. SO WHAT YOU GIVE UP ON ME DON'T LOVE ME ANYMORE, YOU CAN'T DO THAT ALICE YOU CAN'T he yells all of a sudden causing me to jump a bit. Not really knowing how to respond i just glare before turning on my heels and walking out not stopping until I'm outside and rain hits my face.

After taking a deep breath i start walking without a purpose just wanting to get away from him from everyone. The familiar flowers come into view so i change my direction sitting down on my knees and burying my face in my hands. This was what Phil meant with everyone is changing does this mean i can't trust anyone. looking up at the sky again the rain still hits my face and i just try to let it all go letting it wash away with the rain.

3de POV
While Alice is walking Wilbur walks back to the meeting room seeing almost have the group confused and pissed. What the fuck did you do to get her this pissed Tommy says. Nothing but were is she we didn't finish our talk His older brother answers lighting a smoke. She's gone Wilbur Minecraft Soot you drove her off wicht is vey very hard Nikki snaps at him joining the conversation. The mood changes and the tall an rushes up the stairs followed by Quackity. But halfway out Wilbur bumps into something and looking at the obstacle he they see Dream. Dream perfect timing we were just going to get Alice and discuss the fight wanne help us search for my darling wil questions while trowing the cancer stick between the blood god's feet.

Not really but please take a seat i want to tell you something the smiley man says and everyone sits around the table. I'm no longer supporting your side in the war Schlatt made me a better offer plus you're probably not winning anyway now i gotte go see you on the battle field he says rushing up the stairs but turning around last second and speaking one last time Oh and one of you will betray l'manburg.

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