🍂do we kill him?🍂

169 8 3

Song: Freaks by Surf Curse 


3de POV

Do we kill him? Tommy whispers to Alice side-eyeing the strange man that is walking around their camp. What no Tommy we're not going to kill him, god where have our social skills gone Alice sighs unfolding her wings and guarding Tommy against the stranger that is arrived minutes ago.  

While doing their morning routine at the Logstedshire camp a strange figure had appeared at the tree line. At first, they had thought it was Dream because of the mask the strange man is wearing but when they went to greet him it wasn't who they expected. Instead of the familiar man, it was a guy that looked like him. He had the same mask but with a red and green stripe running down it, his hair not dirty blond but raven black, his sweater is the same as Dream's and so is the rest of his outfit. 

Hesitant Alice takes a stand clearly showing off that if the stranger would try anything she can and will put up a fight. What do we do then do we offer him a drink? Tommy whispers peeking over Alice's shoulder. Thinking about it for a second Alice finally decides to see what the stranger wants. I guess but before we do anything I need to know he won't harm us she whispers softly so making a sword appear. Stepping forward Alice puts on her best friendly smile and extends her hand but does keep holding the weapon in her other hand. 

Hi, I'm Alice and this is Tommy did dream send you? Alice smiles towards the stranger. I don't know a Dream but I'm Mexican dream Quackity from l'manburg sent me to talk to you Mexican Dream chirps extending his own hand and shaking the girl's hand. After introducing Tommy to Mexican Dream the small party sits down at the nearby picnic table Tommy starts a quick chat with the raven-haired man. After a while, Alice has enough of it and stands up leaning on the table with her hands and grabbing both male's attention. 

I don't want to be rude Mexican Dream but why are you here?  and don't say because Quackity sends me because that is bull Quackity hasn't been here in weeks she whispers lowly holding eye contact with the newcomer true his mask. I like your style gorgeous but my cousin did send me, he sent me to retrieve something seeing he's busy with that country of his MD answers leaning forward on the table himself.  

And what does he want, we don't have anything he already has Alice sighs letting herself fall back in the chair. I was sent to get a..a.. wait let me think......ooooh yeah a special kind of ax only your supposed to have that's all I know and all that crazy cousin told me he laughs smirking underneath the mask. Alice looks at Tommy and the two seem to have an almost silent conversation both understanding how much power her weapons actually hold.

 A few months ago before Wilbur's dead Tubbo had asked if Alice's weapons hold any power to which she smiled and started explaining. She explained that when someone other than her would hold them they would be able to kill a celestial and adapt a fraction of her powers, she even said that sometimes when you touch an angel's blade you can develop wings. All the guys had listed with sparkling eyes eager to hold the weapons, but she told them to wait until the time is right and they did. 

Later that same night when everyone was asleep Wilbur came to her and smiled before asking her if what she told them was true to which she just handed him the blade. Hesitantly he took it and when the blade handle laid in his hand nothing happened for a while until Alice was about to take over the blade. He started to glow and moments later two grey wings appeared on his back making both Will and Alice scream and drop the blade making the wings disappear. After that, the two never talked about it again or why Wilbur's wings were grey instead of white. 

Tommy shakes Alice out of the memories and back to the now both guys waiting for her to answer. I-I I'm sorry I just can't give it especially not without knowing why Quackity needs it I'm so sorry Alice smiles genuine giving the man across her a sympathetic look. All of a sudden Tommy tugs the girl's sleeve and whispers something in her ear making her smile softly and nod.

So after a quick discussion, we can't hand you the weapons but we can offer you a tent at our camp the blond teen smirks widely.  very confused about the duo's mood swift Mexican-Dream starts to think if he goes back empty-handed Quackity will throw a big rage fit about it and will probably kill him because Q said that it was vital that the ax got to him. 

 so after thinking about it for a solid 5 minutes he nods and Tommy starts to cheer making Alice laugh for the first time since they arrived. Then welcome Mexican dream to Logstedshire lets make it official Tommy go get the sign the blond girl chirps and the teenager goes running coming back with a sign and some ink. MD watches the two exileties write the camp's name on the sign and sighing it with their own names before handing him the wooden sign which he signs chuckling at their enthusiasm.

They wait for Ghostbur who left in the morning until he comes back and when he does they let him sigh as well before going to the beach and placing it down in the sand. Together they stand proudly and all admire their work before splitting up all going to do different things before nightfall. 

Alice POV

 While farming some beetroots and mushrooms for stew a sudden cold gets draped over me like a blanket but reversed. Hey, ghostbur what can I do for you dear I smile while the ghost lets go and sits beside me. Well, I know you are a little sad because you miss home and i don't like that so I got you this he smiles before handing me a small bottle with a string attached and strange blue liquid inside the bottle.  Slightly confused I gently take the bottle and when my skin touches the smooth surface off the glass all my sadness somehow starts to flow out of me.

W-what h-how... I stammer looking at the ghost and he just shrugs, taking the bottle again and hanging it around my neck like a necklace and floating off without saying anything. Not really sure what just happened I sit there my hand gently resting in the small bottle around my neck.

When night finally falls we all gather around the campfire eating and drinking while telling stories about things that happened back home. Slowly I start to relax and just enjoy the moment taking just a small moment to relax a small moment to let myself catch up to the here and now. 


chapter out woowowwoowwooowow

you have no idea how many times I've rewritten this chapter, for the gods know the reason I really struggled with this one. I think it's because I wanted a filler but also a new character. so I hoped it lived up to everyone's standards and it was Oki.

well, hope you are all okay, are healthy, and safe. if not I'm always here to talk.

Love you my beautiful sunshine 


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