🕸Hitlist and first days 🕸

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Song: Brightside Arrested youth 
Alice POV
Screaming wakes me up from my dreamless sleep, sitting up I rub my eye and look around the tent. Sighing I get quickly dressed and swing my bag over my shoulder. Outside I also stretch my wings and look at the strange scene taking place in front of me. Dream is screaming at Tommy while Ghostbur is peacefully floating around them holding flowers. Oke boys what is going on I say sleepy taking a stand beside Tommy.

He wants me to throw my stuff in a hole and blow it up Tommy yells pointing to the hole. Morning Alice and yes Tommy i want you to get rid of your stuff and you too Alice Dream says very calmly placing positioning his axe on his shoulder trying to look intimidating. Rolling my eyes i make my own axe appear and lean on it staring back at him smiling friendly. Tommy sweetie why don't you and Ghostbur go get some water from the river so we can have thee with breakfast i say and after exchanging a few looks with the teen he reluctantly leaves ghostbur floating after him. Looking at Dream I raise an eyebrow Well I'm going to make breakfast could you get me some sweet berry's Lilly pad smiling I turn around going back to my tent to get the cooking material.

- - - - Time skip - - - -

Having finished my breakfast I just walk over to the nearby forest and start chopping wood while Tommy and Ghostbur build a small table and work area. Dream left right after breakfast going back to the SMP with some notes Tommy and I wrote to everyone. While chopping wood Ghostbur keeps floating around me handing me and Tommy flowers making me chuckle.

3de POV
While Alice has gathered enough material she starts preparing a small farm Tommy rambling about a name for their new home in the background. While Alice and Tommy are trying to start over Quackity is guiding Fundy and Tubbo true a dark tunnel towards a small room. Fellas, I hope this will show how much I care about this country Quackity says opening a door at the end of the door.

Inside is a dimly lit room full of posters with Technoblade's face on it and a stone table is in the middle of the room. Shocked Tubbo and Fundy look around before all gathering around the table again and Quackity grabs the attention by clearing his throat. Fellas I hate traitors, I hate people that hate our country I absolutely despise it so I think we have to do something about it, we already let dream take away Tommy and Alice. The beanie man says having a dark look in his eyes.

You have uhm... prepared pretty well big Q Tubbo stutters looking at one of the posters that has blood on it. Yeah... what is the plan for this butcher's army Fundy says looking at the president before looking at Quackity. I want to make a hit list starting with Technoblade and then go for Dream Quackity say placing a notebook on the stone table. Well I think we should go for the person that did the most physical damage and let Dream be, were finally on neutral ground with him we should lie low the president says trying not to start another war with Dream.

Tubbo you cannot say that were not on neutral terms with- Quackity begins but he gets cut off by Fundy. No no, he worded it wrong what Tubbo means is that Dream thinks we're on his side since we exiled Tommy so after we take out Technoblade we can go for Dream and he will never see it coming Fundy butt in.

If we go after Dream first we have government and then techno will come for us so I say we go straight to the core, LET'S TAKE HIM DOWN Quackity yells rioting up the rest. Both Fundy and Tubbo start to lean into the idea of wanting safety for their home and to get rid of the guy that destroyed their home. Oke were in how do we start Tubbo grins picking up the notebook. We spread propaganda posters and let everyone know what we're planning, then we need uniforms ad weapons and when we gained enough power we take down everyone in our way Quackity smiles.

Let the presses run I want every inch of our country covered in propaganda posters and I want uniforms by Tomorrow Fundy can you take care of that for me and Quackity get weapons lets do this boy's Tubbo cheers and everyone goes to do their assigned job leaving a tired president in the room alone.

Looking around the room Tubbo spots a poster with everyone on it including Tommy and his heart itches, the young president has been losing sleep over what he did to his best friend and over Alice. Especially Alice ever since Wilbur died she had been quite a lot and the week after they buried Wilbur she had just sat at the grave for two days not moving a muscle until Sapnap got so worried about her that he just dragged her home. Tommy had become quiet too only talking to Alice it Tubbo until ghostbur showed up and he became himself again, The blond teen was sad even if he didn't show it he missed his brother.

While thinking back to the last few weeks Tubbo slowly makes his way out of the secret meeting room sunlight hitting his face gently when he steps out his mood slightly improving. Walking down the prime path he comes across Dream who hands him two notes and a flower.
Smiling slightly he walks to Alice's home writing his own letter to Alice and Tommy.


Sorry for the not great writing it's just that there is a lot going on at my home and I'm extremely tired. It's just a little dip I'm sure it will become better soon.

That was all my beautiful sunshine's I hope you are all well and see you In the next chapter

- flora

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