🌞Festival of light 🌞

297 12 3

Song: Family by Mother Mother

3de POV
Alice is peacefully asleep curled in a bal tightly hugging a pillow. She sometimes mumbles something being haunted by nightmares.  A silhouette sneaks into her room trying not to wake her. The figure sits down beside her bed and a grin spreads across they're face.

Not moving a muscle the figure just sits there as to keep watch over the sleeping angel. All of a sudden Alice begins to move, twisting, turning while heavily breathing and mumbling.  She shoots up looking around in a panic.

Alice POV
There it is again that dream of Wilbur sitting in the room with the l'manburg text carved into the walls, but something changed there is someone else with us in the room now but before i can make out who it is the explosion go off and then scene changes. Techno stands on a hill laughing while a three headed skull monster comes towards me.  Terrified i shoot up and see the familiar stone wall of my room.

Hey, hey shhh I'm here darling someone says and i get wrapped in a hug the familiar smell of smoke and earth calm me down a bit.  Relaxing a bit i cling on to the familiar figure too scared too fall asleep again. Wil I'm scared something bad is going to happen to you and l'manburg whispering he tenses up almost like he knows about the dream.

Nothing bad is going to happen to you i'll make sure of it Wilbur whispers back. Wait that is not what I said and why is he here was he watching me sleep, no that would be weird right. Wil why are you here I question letting go and looking him in the eyes.  Well....... I couldn't sleep so i was going to see if you were awake and i found you shaking so I didn't want to leave you in stress he explains awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.

I can leave if you want Wilbur questions and is already making his way out the room. No please don't, lets go for a walk I'm not going to be able to sleep again anyway i say not wanting to be alone right now. His face goes a bit red but he nods sound good get changed I'll grab my guitar he says and a bright smile appears on his face making him look likes his old self for a second.

when he leaves i get out of bed and grab my white hoodie, grey tennis skirt and black army boots. Wilbur returns with his guitar and trenchcoat. Lets go my love Wil says and I don't know if its because its early or because of the nickname but my face goes bright red. Your cute when your flustered he whispers in my ear before walking away leaving me stunned. This men is going to be the dead of me i mumble under my breath before following him.

3de POV
The duo walks around until they spot the village where Poppy lives. Alice takes Wilbur's hand and skips towards the buildings having a big smile on her face. Arriving at the village they see a bonfire and million of fairy lights while the villagers dance and sing. Upon seeing the duo the entire village goes silent and Poppy the iron golem walks Wilbur looking the male up and down. Wilbur looks terrified while Alice is smiling at the villagers.

Who-this Poppy says looking at Alice. This is Wilbur Pops he's very important to me the angels says going to hug the golem. Poppy stares him down for just a few more seconds before a smile appears on his face and he hands Wilbur a poppy. Stunned he expects the flower smiling back. Al-ice make cr-own-s the golem say hugging back the angel. Of course let's go Alice says skipping towards the fire. The village kids notice Wilbur's guitar and beg him to play so he does while they force Alice to dance.

Wilbur POV
Playing a song i study Alice dancing with the kids she has a genuine smile on her face. All of a sudden our eyes meet and her smile grows causing my voice to get stuck in my throat. I can feel they eyes of the villagers on me they seem to really be attached to Alice. A loud thump comes from beside me and i see Poppy sitting beside me. You-like-Alice the golem says.

There my face goes again, heating up and i just don't get a answer out. Like doesn't describe it, its more like we belong together she is the only thing keeping me sane. Yeah i do I simply reply smiling. W-ell go Poppy smirks nudging me up and another villager pushes me towards Alice. Bumping into her the kids start to laugh and run away. One of the villagers starts to sing and the rest joins in. Oy darling wanne dance she smiles. God your starting to sound like tommy i laugh and take her hand.

3de POV
Dancing to the sound of the villagers sing the duo dance's around the fire laughing. When the singing dies down Alice and Wilbur sit down around the fire with the rest of the villagers. So what are you guys celebrating Wilbur questions. Tonight we celebrate the new goddess of light and longing of the days the town eldest say.

New goddess of light Alice questions. Yes the first one died not long ago so were waiting for her heir to take over, the heir will defeat the evil underneath our feat and contain the darkness that lives among us the eldest explains subtly looking at Alice.

The fire is to guide, and symbolise the new beginning and we just like to sing and dance he says ending in a laugh. That sounds good we love to dance too Alice smiles locking eyes with the elder men having a look of understanding.

Alice POV
I'm just soaking up the moment it feels peaceful but wrong sinds I'm not with the rest of l'manburg. Placing my head on Wilbur's shoulder i look at the dancing villagers. They look so happy I whisper. That is what i wanted for us too but its gone Wilbur whispers back tuning the guitar.

What do you mean wanted wil its still there i stammer looking at him. Fine let's not argue tonight love he says and starts singing again. Listening i calm down and try to forget about everything. What is going to happen in the future and why am i having these dreams, Wilbur isn't going to blow up our home right, and i can trust Techno right. Letting out a sigh my attention goes back to the festival snuggling closer to Wilbur and listening to him sing. Please never let this moment go over.


3k I just wanted to say thank you again. Writing had become a way to relax for me and I really enjoy doing it.

I hope you're all well and if not I'm always here to talk.

By my sunshine's

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