👑 Coronation 👑

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Song: Yellow by Coldplay

3de POV
It had been a week since Alice spoke to XD and she has been living in a small cell in the dream team base. Both George and Dream have been avoiding her refusing to go see her, so it was up to Sapnap to bring her food and keep her company. 

On the first day, he had been rude refusing to talk to her. But the second day he got bored, Dream and George were training and he was alone so he decided to talk to Alice. They talked for hours and he started spending his free time with her just talking. He started to really like her and their chats but he also saw her get worse she refused to eat and her eyes started to have bags under them. Her clothes were ripped and gross. If it wasn't for her kindness and beautiful smile you would have thought that she was a zombie.

Alice POV
I was lying on my bed staring at the ceiling thinking about how I missed dancing with Tommy and hugging Wilbur, how I missed building machines with Fundy, and bee hunting with Tubbo.

I also miss Eret I had gotten a lot of time to think about the betrayal and I had decided to forgive him I knew that he thought that this was what he had to do besides he was one of my best friends and I really missed him.

The metal door opened and I see a really happy Sapnap. He was nothing like the story Tommy had told me. He had given me some of his clothes and we talked for hours about anything that we could think of. He had even offered that he would stay with me so that I could sleep because I hadn't slept in a while the room was way too dark making me feel extremely uncomfortable and scared. We bonded very well and he had become a good friend.

Firefly it's time for Eret's coronation and he requested that you're there so I am taking you so put this on and I will come to get you in a sec, okay the raven-haired man spoke. He placed down a beautiful yellow dress and a mirror.

( dress from Pinterest again you can choose any dress you want)

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( dress from Pinterest again you can choose any dress you want)

I put the dress on and it fits like a glove I then take out the mirror and try to comb the knots out of my hair using my fingers and braiding it. You done Firefly? I heard sap scream through the door. Yeah sappy you can come in I answered him and the door opens showing a Sapnap in a suit. Looking good pandas I say giving him a smile. So do you firefly he smiles giving me a wink I just chuckle. Shall we?  we shall. And with that, he takes my hand and guides me to the castle.

- - - - Time Skip - - - -

Together with Sapnap, we walk to the castle chatting and laughing the entire way. I was enjoying being outside and Sapnap's company. We arrived at the castle I was out of breath because I hadn't been outside for a week and only drank water. I see George and Dream standing at the castle gates talking to Eret they look up from the conversation, both George and Dream's jaws drop while Eret has a huge smile on their face.

Before I know it I feel two arms wrap around me and I am being lifted into the air. Sunshine your here you came Eret screams in excitement. Well, I can't miss the day that they finally give you the title that you deserve can I now my love I say while chuckling. They put me down but don't let go still holding me in a hug. Did they hurt you sunshine He whispers into my ear. No dear I am just tired and I missed you a lot I whisper back. Sapnap coughs and I let go of Eret but before I make my way back Eret grades my hand and walks me towards the castle.

- - - - Time Skip - - - -

I crown you Eret king of the dream SMP may your rule be long and prosperous Dream voice ego's true the room. The room erupts in applause and the smile on my face grows because I see in Eret's future that they are going to do a lot of good for this world and I am proud of them.

Eret POV
As soon as I wish everyone a good night I get flooded with well wishes and requests to dance. I dance with a few nobles before going back to the throne and sitting down. I start scanning the crowd until I see her. She is dancing and laughing with Sapnap she looks so happy and beautiful. I walk over to them and tap Sapnap on his shoulder. Do you mind if I have a dance with the beautiful lady I ask. 

Of course not king Eret, Firefly I see you in a sec He says while giving her a smile. Of course panda and please dance with Dream and George because they seem to be jealous that I stole you away all night she says sending him a smile and giving him a quick hug.

The band starts to play a slow song and we start dancing. I look down at her she is humming to the song and slowly swaying her head. The dress I picked is beautiful and fits her perfectly. Eret my dear is everything alright I hear her whisper and her eyes lock with mine. Yes, Sunshine everything is perfect I just missed you. I missed you too Eret she smiles and buries her head in my chest.

 I missed you too Eret she smiles and buries her head in my chest

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( the ballroom)

- - - - Time Skip - - - -

I dance the entire night with Alice just swaying to the music and holding her close. But all good things come to an end. I feel a tap on my shoulder and when I turn around I get greeted with dream's mask. 

We had a lovely evening but we have to go now Sapnap please take Alice back to her cell dream says. Wait cell you told me she was staying in a room at your base I say confused. Eret she is a hostage, not a guest Dream says calmly. Well, in that case, she will stay with me as a guest I say giving her a smile. well, Eret you can't do that like I said she is a hostage she is ours  Dream says his voice filled with venom. Yeah, I agree with Dream besides we can keep her safe if she is close to us George says. I hear a small cough and turn around seeing Alice with her arms crossed over her chest looking very pissed.

3de POV
I know I am a hostage and all but I could and will kick your buts if you keep speaking of me like I am an object that you can trade around, And why do you even care George, you and dream have both been avoiding me for a week you left me again she says almost screaming. Sunflower please George stammers. Oh don't sunflower me not after abandoning me and the rest and then when I finally see you after a year you ignore me I needed you but you left tears are running down her face and she is shaking. A silence settles over the group nobody daring to speak.

I agree with Eret she is better off here but can I please visit her Sapnap says while going up to Alice and holding her. Yeah, of course, Sapnap you are always welcome here Eret says a bit confused that Sapnap is going against his best friends. The silence settles again. Fine Alice can stay her dream speaks after a long silence

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