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Jimin sighed before following him.

"Jungkook I say it because I'm genuinely worried, not because I wanna bug you, but because I'm worried that if you keep this lifestyle up you won't even make it to 20, you're only 15" Jimin sighed as Jungkook sat down.

"Please, Jimin you sound like my teacher" Jungkook rolled his eyes gradually becoming annoyed "well I'm sorry I do, it's not my fault you make a lot of people worry about you!" Jimin sighed.

"I didn't ask you to worry, I didn't tell my teachers about anything because I wanted them to worry and I didn't even want to tell you" Jungkook rolled his eyes "then why did you?" Jimin asked.

Jungkook was silent for a moment, what did Jimin want him to say? Because his boyfriend had kicked his leg earlier that day making him feel like he had to answer every question? But also because he felt a little comfortable.

"Because I was too comfortable for a moment" Jungkook answered "then just continue being comfortable and let me help you, let us help you" Jimin tried but he only make Jungkook grow angrier.

"Come on Jungkook, we're your friends" Jimin slightly smiled "friends? I didn't ask for friends" Jungkook reminded "you excepted us and seemed pretty happy when I asked" Jimin raised his voice it wasn't by a lot but with little students in the class he was catching people's attention.

Those people including Namjoon.

"I had no choice, do think if I had a choice I'd be talking about things I don't like? Waisting my lunchtime listening to you guys talk about boring topics instead of actually having an apatite and eating?" Jungkook was now standing.

His words caught Taehyung and Yoongi's attention "what do you mean, had a choice?" Jimin asked "fuck" Jungkook cursed he'd said too much.

Without even realising it he was turning to look at Taehyung, and when he saw Taehyung staring straight back at him he looked away and sat back down "Just... just forget it" Jungkook sighed his voice growing quieter and quieter.

Jimin didn't even have the chance to protest when he heard the teachers voice "alright everyone sit down, I know I'm a bit early but we're starting now".

.・ ゜ -: ✧ :-   -: ✧ :- ゜・.

It was almost weird to look at Jungkook and see him not looking at the clock or Taehyung, and instead to have his head down and in between his arms.

His leg anxiously bouncing up and down, Yoongi could feel the anxiety radiating off of the boy.

Eventually, he ended up tapping Jungkook's shoulder when the teacher had been writing something on the board.

Jungkook looked up at Yoongi, who passed him a note, Jungkook slowly opened it with slight confusion, when he saw the words he understood.

-Are you ok?-

"I'm fine" he mouthed then went back to resting his head on his desk.

As soon as the bell rang Jungkook was gone, it was crazy how without having looked at the clock he sat up literally seconds before the bell rang and picked up his bag.

Almost like he'd memorised the time the bell went.

It was like that throughout the classes and even for lunch he was gone, Yoongi thought it was weird the way Taehyung and Jimin were also gone.

Jimin had left a few seconds after Taehyung who'd left a few seconds after Jungkook who'd left as soon as the bell rang.

"Wonder where they went" Namjoon mumbled from beside Yoongi. "Think Taehyung is troubling Jungkook?" He asked "no, I asked Jungkook yesterday, he told me they were fine" Yoongi shook his head.

"Could have lied to you" Namjoon said "no, he was being too honest to suddenly lie" Yoongi told "so you think he just looked at Taehyung like he was gonna die for no reason?" Namjoon asked.

"I don't know, fuck it's so confusing" Yoongi groaned "not really" Namjoon stood up "come on let's go eat".

"So you're saying, Taehyung could be bullying Jungkook, and you have had a feeling for what...weeks? And didn't say or do shit?" Yoongi questioned.

"Well I did tell Jimin to deal with him if he finds out Taehyung's troubling Jungkook and he said not to worry he will, so I assume he's doing that now" Namjoon said.

"Right" Yoongi nodded.

.・ ゜ -: ✧ :-   -: ✧ :- ゜・.

Jungkook had always gotten scared when he thought about Taehyung making him lose his job and being taken away from his parents, but never had he been this scared.

Even more so when he heard Taehyung call his name on his way to exit. And ten times more when Taehyung grabbed his arm.

Fuck he was shaking. Taehyung was taking him somewhere, the same place he was going, the exit.

They walked for a few seconds before Taehyung turned around "really Jungkook?" He asked "couldn't control your tongue? Should I let my tongue go too?" He asked

"No, I'm sorry Taehyung, I'll try harder" Jungkook was shaking but somehow his voice wasn't "do you really wanna be an orphan? Lose your job and become a beggar on the street?!" Taehyung asked.

"no" Jungkook's voice was quiet "then stop fucking up" Taehyung raised his voice Jungkook just nodded, Taehyung sighed before brushing past Jungkook only to stop after taking 3 steps.

"Jimin" The word left his mouth so quick yet so slow, and Jungkook was turning around so quick, Jimin would have been surprised he didn't fall if he had even looked at him.

"Is this the kind of shit you do when I'm not around?" Jimin asked anyone could tell he was angry just from the way he was glaring at Taehyung "Jimin I-" He didn't know what to say.

"You what? Are a literal piece of shit? You're supposed to be his friend, yet here you are threatening him? And for what?!" Jimin asked.

Jungkook slightly felt happy, but for some reason, he felt more sorry for Taehyung than he did feel happy "Jimin, I didn't want to be friends so-" Jungkook was cut off "so what? He fucking threatens you?" Jimin asked.

Jungkook just looked down, why did he feel like he did something wrong "what are these threats anyways? Lose his job? Become an orphan?" Jimin wasn't done.

"You Taehyung know damn well, that you should be looking up to Jungkook not putting him down, what did he do to you other than give you the middle finger for you to treat him like that?" Jimin asked.

Taehyung didn't say anything "lose his job? and how would you be able to make that happen? Let me guess you told him a little bit of money that you don't fucking have will do the trick?!" Jimin was shouting at his point.

"I'm sorry" Taehyung finally spoke, and Jimin was sighing "I hate to say this Taehyung but even with the low expectations I had set for you, you really let me down" Jimin told.

Then he was walking past Taehyung and straight to Jungkook "come on Jungkook" He offered a smile, yet anyone could tell he wasn't really giving Jungkook a choice.

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ Chapter 10 ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

Sorry for the long wait I had no internet

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