Chapter 15

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This chapter contains
descriptive violence


"I've been here before" Ryugi smiled when they pulled up outside of the place where Taehyung's birthday party was being held.

Jungkook turned off the engine and got out first then Ryugi, once they were both out Jungkook locked the car doors.

Then headed for the party doors, it was a big mansion nothing Jungkook was surprised about Taehyung always thew big parties on his birthday.

And Jungkook usually only stayed for an hour, it was weird how seconds or minutes after Jungkook would leave Yoongi would usually show up, the two never being there at the same time.

Jungkook pushed the front door open, not really surprised by how loud the music was, it was Taehyung after all.

The boy loved parties and alcohol.

Jungkook would have tried to scan the room for any of his friends but knew it would be pointless with how many people there were.

They were only been there for a few minutes before Ryugi spoke "I just saw one of your friends go upstairs" He muttered Jungkook nodded flashing a short smile before heading for the stairs.

Ryugi following close behind.

When they got up there and Jungkook saw no sight of any of his friends he turned to Ryugi "any idea which way they went?" He asked and Ryugi nodded.

"This way" he said taking Jungkook's hand and leading him over to the place where the rooms were. Jungkook probably should have been paying attention to where Ryugi was taking him instead of which friend to look out for.

But unfortunately, he wasn't and just when he saw a familiar face Ryugi pulled him into one of the open empty rooms Jungkook obviously confused furrowed his eyebrows at Ryugi especially when he locked the door.

"What are you doing? Jungkook questioned taking a step back when Ryugi took one forward "now Jungkook, you didn't really think I was gonna let you come to this party for your friends did you?" Ryugi laughed.

The younger's blood ran cold, he should have expected something like this, but he didn't think Ryugi had any bad intentions.

Ryugi took a few more steps forward "hey calm down" Ryugi's smile dropped and he pulled his best worried face. He then reached out and grabbed Jungkook's hand using it to pull the younger close.

He smiled wrapping his arms around Jungkook's neck and if Jungkook wasn't so scared and still loved Ryugi he would have found it cute maybe he would have even leaned into the touch.

But he was scared way too scared to move, and when he felt a peck on his cheek before the older pulled back he let out a small breath of relief thinking Ryugi would let him go.

All until he felt Ryugi push him back onto the bed and before he knew it two hands were wrapping around his neck, strangling him panic, being the first thing that settled in then his fight sense.

He would have lifted his knee and kneed Ryugi in the no-no area if it wasn't for the fact that Ryugi had quickly sat on his legs, so Jungkook did the best he could to pry Ryugi's hands off of him.

"Did you think I wouldn't know what happened? How you told Jimin that I hit you?" Ryugi asked the hands around Jungkook's neck tightening, tears instantly building up at the loss of air in the younger's lungs.

No matter how much he scratched at Ryugi's hands he couldn't get them off, tears ran down the younger's cheeks, was this how he was going to die? Being choked by his boyfriend at his friend's birthday party?

Just like last time when he felt his lungs giving out his vision turned darker Ryugi let go of him and Jungkook could breathe again but it came out as nothing but choked pants

Ryugi didn't care instead he took off his belt and ordered Jungkook to get on all fours, the younger obeyed this time, yet Ryugi's hits weren't any lighter than the last time, and even through his jacket, he could feel each hit harder than the last.

Jungkook would have grabbed one of the pillows to try and muffle the screams he thought would be leaving his lips, but right now he could barely breathe properly, each breath coming out choked, or as a heavy pant.

The 4th hit hurt way more than the 1st, 2nd and 3rd, hurt so bad that Jungkook let out half scream half breathe, his vision was a messy blur and the pain was so intense he wasn't even sure if he was still on his hands and knees.

Finally, after the eighth hit Ryugi stopped and threw the belt to the side "I told you Jungkook, there are many sides of me you haven't seen" Ryugi smiled.

"I'll make you wish you never told Jimin" He added turning Jungkook onto his back a barely audible hiss leaving his lips when he felt his back hit the sheet.

Ryugi walked off and grabbed a cup of water that had been on the side he stood in front of Jungkook and took a sip before making the younger sit up and drink some himself.

Jungkook didn't want to but needed it, so he drank it.

Ryugi took the cup when Jungkook was done, he put it aside and sat down beside Jungkook on the bed and when Jungkook finally calmed his breathing Ryugi looked over at him.

Watched as it set and Jungkook's body began to react, react to the drug he'd put in his water, watched Jungkook grow uncomfortable and begin to squirm as he looked over at Ryugi.

"What the fuck did you do?" He questioned, voice ever so weak Ryugi smiled and got on the bed he hovered over Jungkook and leaned down to kiss the younger's lips.

"I didn't think you would make this fun unless I gave you a little something" Ryugi smiled and watched as short pants left Jungkook's open mouth.

He leaned down and licked the other's lips, the younger tried to close his mouth but when he found it harder to breathe opened it back.

He reached up to push the older off but found he wasn't nearly strong enough "Ryugi, please please don't do this" Jungkook whimpered

He had no idea what Ryugi had put in his water but his body felt hot and heavy "it's way too late to beg" Ryugi scoffed taking ahold of Jungkook's chin he opened his mouth a little more, then leaned down and kissed him.

"Ryugi" Jungkook turned his head away "please" He begged hands pushing harder at his chest "you look so good like this Jungkook" Ryugi smiled turning Jungkook's head and holding it in place and kissing him again

Jungkook's words being muffled by the action. Ryugi only stopped when he grew a little tired of Jungkook not responding and instead moved to his neck where he placed small pecks on his neck.

"Please stop" Jungkook tried pushing him away again but failed, the drug rendering him weak.

As Ryugi leaned up and pecked Jungkook's lips felt his world growing darker and before he knew it everything went black

And Jungkook didn't know if it was worse or better that way.

*:..。o○<_Chapter 15_>○o。..:*

𝓣𝓱𝓲𝓮𝓻 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓢𝓽𝓸𝓻𝔂 *𝔑𝔞𝔪𝔧𝔦𝔫* ^𝔜𝔬𝔬𝔫𝔨𝔬𝔬𝔨^Where stories live. Discover now