Part 24

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It was around 7:30 pm when Namjoon arrived home, he was stuffed from the amount of food Taehyung had made him eat, it was sickening.

He was sure he was gonna vomit soon.

But that didn't matter he wouldn't get to even make it to the bathroom if he did.

He'd just shut his bedroom door and flopped down on his bed sighing he hadn't spoken to Seokjin and all he wanted right now was to be in his arms.

Sure they weren't the most romantic nor clingy couple but Namjoon liked being with Seokjin, wished he could be with him all the time but anyways he'd just about picked up his phone before his bedroom door was being swung open.

Of course Namjoon jumped never had his parents opened his door like that.

"Kim Namjoon!" His father shouted standing at his door "y-yes" Namjoon stuttered, he was confused and scared, though more scared than confused "why did I not know you're friends with not only 1, or 2 but 6! Gay people!" He shrieked words louder than Namjoon had ever heard before.

"It's-I.." He didn't know what to say "Yoongi, Jungkook, Taehyung, Jimin, Wheein and Seyeon are no longer your friends! Am I clear!" His father yelled "but..I-I can't just cut them off because they're ga-".

"Namjoon! You are my son! You do as I say!" His dad shouted "and if you have any other friends that are gay you better befriend them as well!" He added turning around and walking off.

"I..I can't do that," Namjoon was going to stop, and maybe he should have but instead he blurted out; "I'm also dating a boy" it felt good saying it but the consequences obviously wouldn't.

"Namjoon, stop chatting shit! You have Naeun, you don't need anyone else if I hear you talking like that again you'll regret it!" His father rarely swore but it didn't matter because Namjoon had already started.

And he wasn't gonna stop now, not when he couldn't take back those words "Naeun and I aren't dating, we don't love each other, I love him, dad, when I'm with him, I'm happy, when I'm with my friends I'm happy, don't take that away from me" Namjoon tried.

His words being in vain ".. Break up with him" His father ordered "w-what?" Namjoon stuttered "Seokjin, break up with him, or I'll ruin his life"

"I thought you were just messing around and would break up with him eventually, but clearly you've just become a mess, break up with him, you've messed around enough" His father's words were cold.

"I can't, I love him, I can't do that to him" Namjoon told "I don't care what you do Namjoon, but if you go near him, Jimin, Yoongi or any of the other fags, I promise you'll regret it, you'll wish you never even had them as friends, and you'll wish you broke up with him!" Each time he spoke it was as though he grew.

Namjoon felt like an ant compared to his father "Because you won't be the only one who suffers for not listening to me" the smile that grew on his father's face was terrifying.

That's when Namjoon realized, it didn't matter how much he loved Seokjin, it didn't matter how much he wanted to keep his relationship with not only Seokjin but also his friends.

Because his father wasn't gonna let him, it would be he either drove them to the point where they couldn't be around him or he let Namjoon remove himself.

What choice did he have? He didn't want anyone to get hurt, especially not Seokjin.


"Namjoon" Seokjin called when he saw the younger, a smile making its way to his lips as he approach the younger "guess what!?" He said walking beside Namjoon, when Namjoon didn't say anything Seokjin spoke again.

𝓣𝓱𝓲𝓮𝓻 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓢𝓽𝓸𝓻𝔂 *𝔑𝔞𝔪𝔧𝔦𝔫* ^𝔜𝔬𝔬𝔫𝔨𝔬𝔬𝔨^Where stories live. Discover now