🌿Chapter 3🌿

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Heavy spoilers for OMORI for those who haven't finished or seen it yet

After you woke up, you asked your father if you could spend time over at Mari's house and he agreed.

It was a day before the recital and your birthday so Mari and Sunny were practicing while the rest of you hung out at their tree house.

You played cards and even took photos with Basil for his photo album. Life couldn't get better...

The day of the recital

You woke up excited and quickly got changed into your favorite clothes, Today was your birthday and the day of Mari's and Sunny's  recital. Rain was pouring lightly which ruined your plans slightly but no matter! Today was going to be the best day no matter what!

You went downstairs and saw your father dressed in a tux, his hair messy and his eyes were tired. He was stuffing papers in his brief case obviously rushing, he made eye contact with you and gave you a sad smile "A-ah (Y/n).. Sorry but the boss is calling us for an important meeting and if i don't attend he's going to fire me... I'm so sorry darling, y-you can have your friends over okay? I made some food on the counter and ordered pizza for all of you!" He said closing his briefcase and standing up.

He kissed your forehead and ruffled your hair " Have fun alright kiddo? "he said before rushing out the door with his umbrella.

Before you could say anything he was already out the door, you frowned and looked down at the carpet " I didn't even say bye" you shook your head and forced a smile onto your face "N-no its okay! I wont let today be a bad day!" you said to yourself.

You looked outside and saw your car drive away, you got an umbrella and opened your door "Time to go meet up with Mari and the gang!" you said happily skipping along the side walk over to her house.

You arrived at the door and found it slightly agar "Oh?" you pushed open the door slightly and looked inside "Hellooo? Marrriii? Sunnyyyy? Are you guys.... home?" You stepped inside and looked around, the house was dark and a bit of noise coming from the back yard.

You smiled "Oh they must be here already!" you said to yourself, you closed your umbrella and walked towards the back. As you made your way there you stepped on something hard.

You looked down and saw.... what?

Sunny's violin...

Smashed into pieces with black hair tangled in the wood, you gulped and shook away any bad thoughts "Haha... this... this isn't real.. right?" you muttered slowly making your way to the backyard.

Your heart sinking into your stomach with every step you made. You stood behind the glass door looking out into the backyard....

Sunny and Basil...

Tying a jump rope...

Is that...


Why is she laying down?

Basil slipped the rope around her neck and used all his strength to lift up Mari and tie the rope to the tree.

You stepped back, horrified at what you just witnessed.

No no no no this cant be happening, please not today, not now please please please

Today was supposed to be the best day of your life...

You dropped your umbrella and covered your mouth tears spilling from your eyes, Basil turned around and saw you cowering in fear.

You flinched and backed away knocking over a vase the broke at your feet and cut your ankles.

Basil stared at you, fear and guilt filling his dull blue eyes ".. (Y/n)..?"  You hiccupped and ran away from the scene.

Please god this has to be a nightmare, wake up wake up wake up please this cant be real.

You tripped in the rain but quickly got back up and ran to your house. You slammed the door open and shut it tight, locking it behind you, you ran into your room and closed the door.

Your legs gave in and you crashed to the floor letting out your cries, She's gone... Mari's gone... the person you thought of as a sister...

This was too much for you, only a year after losing your mother, you lost another loved one...

Sunny... Basil... why?

You spent the rest of the cold day in your room, ignoring the knocks from your front door. You even heard Hero and Kel trying to get to you... even Aubrey..

The food on the counter had grown cold hours ago, and your father finally came home after hours of you suffering alone in your room. The ambulance left as soon as he arrived and he was informed about what happened by Mari's father.

He instantly went to you and tried to open the door, tears pricking at his eyes"(Y/n)? Are you there sweetheart? Please let me in so i know you're okay "

You were too exhausted to open the door or respond, you didn't want to get up anymore..

Every time its your birthday, you would just get reminded... that you were a witness... and would never see Sunny, Basil the same ever again...


the worse is yet to come ig

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