🌿Chapter 25🌿

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You pulled your sleeves down to your fingers and wiped your eyes. The room was starting to get warmer as the day went on, but your hands were left cold.

Taking one last look at Sunny, you stood up and headed for the exit.

".. (Y/n).."


You turned around and saw Sunny, one eye open and weakly trying to sit up "Wait.. dont go yet" he muttered in a strained voice.

In your 4 years of knowing him, hes never spoken to you, not once.

Well to be fair he was isolated for 4 years so uh..

Sunny held is head in pain, blood staining the bandage around his eye. He opened his eye and looked at you "What?" you asked, your voice laced with anger.

The air was thick, Sunny gulped and looked down at his lap. The words stuck in his throat. He's never talked to you, but over the past few days his guilt only worsened after seeing the state he left his friends in.

"What? If you're not gonna say anything im leaving" you said turning towards him, furrowed brows and tear stained cheeks.

"... i.. im sorry"


You stared at him in disbelief, Sunny was... apologising?

"im s.. sorry (Y/n)... im sorry for leaving for 4 years... im sorry for Mari... im sorry for everything" he said tightly gripping the hospital sheets. Salty tears pooling up in his eyes and stinging his cut.

".. im sorry (Y/n)..." he sobbed, lowering his face just enough for his eyes not to catch sight of you.

You stood in silence looking down at the black haired boy, you were.. in shock..

"Sunny.. tell me... Tell me what actually happened, the day Mari died" you asked moving closer to his bed and standing at the foot of it. Your cold hands shaking with nervousness and frustration.

Sunny exhaled and looked down at his hands, speaking in a soft voice "During the day of the recital.. me and Mari had a fight.. and.. i-i pushed her down the stairs.. i didn't mean to.. i didn't mean to kill her"

"Basil watched it happen.. he didn't want me to get in trouble.. so he hung Mari in the back yard.. then... then you showed up"

You looked to the side and crossed your arms, the bad memories flowing back to you. The day Mari died, it felt so, unreal. You prayed it was a dream and you would wake up, but that never happened.

"The guilt was so unbearable.. i did things i wish i didn't.. i blocked out Mari in Basil's album.. i avoided everyone..i hurt Basil.. i hurt everyone.. and im sorry.. " he cried out, hiding his face in his hands as he hiccuped and whimpered.

You said you'd never forgive him, but why does it hurt so much seeing him cry? Why would you care so much about someone who hurt you?

Then Mari's words came back to you "i forgive Sunny and Basil... i forgive you"

You let out a sigh and walked closer to Sunny, you sat down on his bed and wrapped your arms around his frail figure. He stiffened in your touch but relaxed and slowly wrapped his hands around your neck, resting his head on your shoulders and crying into your jacket.

"Its okay Sunny.. despite everything.. its still you... i.. i forgive you" you whispered, rubbing circles into his back.

Sunny sniffed as a small smile made its way to his pale face, he hugged you tighter. He hasn't gotten a hug in a long time.

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