🌿Chapter 19🌿

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You woke up in a cold sweat and stared into your blank ceiling, your breath was uneven and tears were streaming down your face..

It was just a dream....

You sat up and put a hand to your aching head, sun shone into your room reminding you it was morning. You let out a shaky breath and wiped the tears away from your face, that dream felt so real, you even knew it was a dream..

You shook your head and threw your blanket off your body before standing up and looking over at your clock, you felt like something important was supposed to happen today..

"10:40 am" you muttered to yourself before your eye widened in shock..

You were supposed to meet Basil at 10 today..

You quickly changed your clothes and rushed downstairs tripping over your feet as you tried to put your shoes back on "Woah woah there (Y/n) where are you going?" Kathryn asked from the kitchen in the middle of cooking breakfast.

"I need to see Basil i-i'll be back later!" you waved before you ran out the door, making your way to the park.

"Oh god im 40 minutes late"

You slowed down when you drew near the park, trying to catch your breath and calm your aching head. You looked ahead and saw two people standing in front of Aubrey, she looked hurt and was holding her arm in pain.

You looked around for Basil and saw the blonde on his knees behind the group crying into his hands "Oh god.." this wasn't gonna end well. You took up the rest of your energy and ran towards the blonde, brushing past the crowd of teens and kneeling beside your friend "Basil! Oh im so sorry im late!" you apologized engulfing the boy in a hug attempting to calm down his cries.

He looked up from his hands when he heard your voice "(Y-y/n)?" he stuttered out in a soft voice. You smiled at him and nodded but before you could say anything a voice caught you off guard "Hey Basil are you okay?" you looked up and let go of Basil.

Aubrey and her goons were gone leaving you, Basil, Kel and.... what the....


You stood up staring at the black haired male in disbelief "Yeah... i'm... i'm fine.." Basil said before standing up and brushing the dirt off his legs. Kel looked over at you and let out a surprised gasp before a big smile made its way onto his face "(Y/n)! I didn't even notice you, good to see you're finally out of the hospital!" he cheered.

He mentioned over to Sunny and smiled at the both of you "Oh and Sunny's here too if you haven't noticed"

You definitely noticed alright..

"Oh... hello Sunny... its been awhile hasn't it?" Basil asked, a nervous smile on his face. Kel cheered putting his hands in the air in celebration "WOO HOO, WHAT A HAPPY REUNION!" the taller male said and he put his hands on his hips and smiled at your group "So you guys wanna hang out with us today?"Kel asked, you didn't answer, you just kept you eyes on Sunny who stared down at his feet..

Why now out of all days?

In your dream, Mari said she forgave them.. but you couldn't understand how it was do easy for her to forgive and forget... oh how you wished to forget him..

"Oh.. uhm...sorry.. i would love to but i should probably head home..." The blonde muttered putting his hand on his arm and rubbing it.

You tuned out of their conversation just looking down at the grass, their words muffled and the world around you became blurry. You looked up and saw a black figure standing behind Sunny, you couldn't make out what is was but it felt ominous. Like when you saw the same thing behind Basil when he called Polly at your house...

You felt sick...

"(Y/n)? You okay there buddy?" You looked back up and saw the trio looking at you, you sweated nervously and gave them a small smile "Y-yeah.. im fine" you replied, Kel smiled and shook his head "We were just about to drop off Basil by his house, you wanna join us?"

You blinked and nodded as they began to walk ahead of you, what were they saying earlier? You remember them talking but you cant remember anything they said.. You walked behind the group, an awkward tension filling the cool summer air around you...

You looked over at Basil who stared at the black hair boy with sadness in his baby blue eyes. It must be hard seeing your best friend after four years, never speaking to each other or seeing each other since the incident.. The four of you arrived at the house and stood in front of the flowers that Basil had planted "Umm.. thanks for walking me home.." Basil said with a small frown on his face.

Compared to Basil's sad look, Kel was the complete opposite "No problemo! If you need anything from me, just ask, okay? We'll catch you later Basil" he said with a big smile on his face... The two began walking away leaving you awkwardly standing on the lawn.

Basil shook nervously digging his nails in his arms as he stared at the ground "WAIT!! PLEASE DONT GO!!" he yelled after them, making you flinch and the two boys look back at the blonde. Basil looked down tears brimming in the corners of his eyes "Ah... i mean... i... im so sorry." he apologized he said clamping his hands together, avoiding eye contact with anyone.

"I actually have a favor to ask" Basil proceeded to tell them about how Aubery took his photo album, Kel, obviously didn't like what Aubery did and promised he'd take them back for Basil, while Sunny just stayed silent. They didn't look at you nor acknowledge you, you just stood there awkwardly listening into their conversation like a mere civilian...

"Well... I'll see you later." Basil said with a small smile before walking into his house and closing the door. Kel and Sunny soon left as well leaving you alone on the grass "ah..." you looked over at Basil's door and walked over to it raising you first to knock on the door..

You couldn't bring yourself to knock on it...

You sighed and rested your hand by your side turning around to walk away "They just ignored me.." You whispered to yourself, putting your hand on your aching head and walking away from the house.

It was too late when Basil opened his door again, he forgot you were there and wanted to invite you inside but you were already gone...

You walked to other mart and walked inside, maybe a bit of food would help you take your mind off things. You walked around the aisles in search for any good snacks you might want to bring home later. You stopped by the chips section and looked up and down for anything to eat, you hummer and grabbed these chips with bright yellow packaging. They looked appetizing enough so you took them over to the counter and payed for it.

You walked back home and knocked on the door before opening it "Im home" you called out, you heard foot steps before Kathryn looked at you from atop the stairs "Welcome home! I made breakfast, its over on the counter if you want any" she said as as walked down the stairs and smiled at you "How was the outing with Basil?" she asked putting her gloved hands on her hips. The had small speckles of dirt on them so you assumed she was fixing up your plants upstairs "It was... okay.. we had to cut it short cause Basil had to go home to his grandma i think" you said walking into the kitchen and grabbing the plate of steamy food on the table.

You hoisted yourself up onto the counter and picked up the plate of food, Kathryn walked up to you and leaned her elbow onto the marble "Doesn't sound like everything went as planned... you okay?" she asked with a sympathetic look on her face, you looked over at her and nodded giving her a small smile "Yeah im fine, just kinda sad it had to end so soon" you said.

Kathryn smiled at you and gently patted you shoulder "Aww dont worry (Y/n), im sure you two will be able to hang out again soon"

"Yeah... im sure" you said with a hopeful smile.

Hi! Raku here, since i cant edit on my laptop anymore it would be a great help if you could point out any misspellings!

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