🌿Chapter 36🌿

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It was dark once more, stuck in your own silence you battled with your inner thoughts.

How long have you been out?

a few minutes?


... days?

You couldn't tell, all you wanted to do was wake up already. Yet no matter how hard you tried nothing happened. Just stuck in darkness unable to move despite the pain in your body.



"Please move (Y/n)..."

Who is that?

"C'mon Basil its getting late, we should head home"

"But what if they wakes up and im not with them? "


"Y'know the doctors will tell us if they do, you need rest... you haven't slept properly for weeks.."

You had... been out for weeks?...

How many?

Basil grumbled and you felt the sheets near you move slightly.


Move damn it

Say something


Basil and the stranger got up and footsteps soon left your room

wake up!

Do something (Y/n)!

"Do.. nt... go"

"(Y/n)? Kathryn did you hear that? they spoke!"

A hand suddenly grabbed yours and the vouce became louder

"(Y/n) can you hear me? Are you awake?" his voice was desperate, desperate for a sign that you weren't dead. You mustered up all the strength you had left and lightly gripped his hand.

Soon enough his sad voice turned cheery, his grip on your hand tightened and you could feel tears dripping onto your hand "Oh my god!"

You so badly wanted to open your eyes and look at him, you miss his face, his blond shiny hair, his freckles thats danced elegantly over her skin, his blue eyes that shone whenever he looked at you, his smile, his rosy cheeks. You missed him...

So much...

"(Y/n)?Are you there?"

Kathryn, still here despite all the trouble you got yourself into. You never really got the time to appreciate her, she cooked and cleaned everyday, she took care of you and your friends. She was kind and only wanted to help.

"We gotta tell the others! Kel, Hero and Aubery are worried sick!"

Kel, Hero and Aubery, they've been through alot. It hurt you to think you made them relive old trauma by trying to kill yourself, they're your best and only friends. You need to apologise to them when you wake up

" I'll call them, wait with them"

The door opened and closed, his hand still on yours.

"Oh (Y/n)... im so happy youre back.." his sobs muffled as he drew your hand to his forehead "Im so sorry for yelling at you, i shouldn't have done that, you weren't okay and i made it worse for you. Im so so sorry... i hope you forgive me"

I know you didn't mean it Basil...

I forgive you..


Soon light flooded you eyes as you finally found the strength to open them. The hospital lights were bright and you now noticed a machine slowly beeping beside you, you turned your head and there he was.


The bags under his eyes grew drastically and became more obvious, your movement caught his eye and you two finally made eye contact after 3 long weeks.

You smiled at him.

"Hi sunshine"

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