🌿Chapter 20🌿

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The next day, you sat on your bed room floor with your hands on your guitar trying to learn a song from the book that was given to you. Though you didn't really want to learn the instrument you wanted to get your mind off of what happened yesterday. It was almost like you weren't even there to them... like a ghost..

You hummed in frustration and used your other hand to force your fingers into the right frets, you strummed and heard a sour tone. Your fingers weren't flexible enough to press on the strings right so a simple pattern went slow and sounded bad. You gave up and let out a frustrated sigh before laying down on your floor staring up at your ceiling. It felt so lonely without Basil around, he would usually find ways to talk to you when you were sad.


Today you went to his house and waited hours for him outside his door, knocking every few times to alert him. Seems like Polly wasnt home so nobody answered the door. You eventually went home and here you are now...

The clocked ticked making you look over at it "3:42 pm" you recited to yourself, standing up and putting the guitar to the side. Maybe Basil would be awake by now... You slipped on a jacket and some shoes and took some money off your table in case he was hungry. You opened your door and walked downstairs, seeing Kathryn sitting on the couch listening to the news while doing paper work "Im going out, I'll be back later" you said waving bye to her as you headed towards the door "Bye bye kiddo be careful out there"


".. huh?" you asked her, her wording caught you off guard.. it sounded exactly like something your father would say... You shook your head and walked out the door, not the best time to get reminded of what happened..

You walked over to Basil's house kicking a few rocks on your way, you knocked on the door and stood on the pavement with your hands in your pockets. Not even a second later, the door opened revealing a worried Polly "Oh... its just you (Y/n).." Polly said in a soft voice. She seemed worried and anxious about something, which was far from her normal personality "What wrong? Are you okay Polly?" you asked nervously reaching a hand towards the older woman.

"i hate to worry you dear but... im afraid Basil's gone missing... and i dont know where he is... i cant leave the house cause i have to look after his grandmother... could you look for him please..?" Polly asked putting her hands together and bowing her head. You were shocked... Basil was missing?... Your best friend?

You pinched your skin to make sure you weren't dreaming and looked back at Polly" O-Of course! I'll do my best "you said waving bye to her before fully sprinting around town in search for your blond friend. Your poor stamina didn't help, it slowed you down and left you breathless, but you didn't take a break... you needed to find him..

" Where.. ha.. where could he be..?" you question yourself out of breath as the sun began turning orange. You walked around town looked every inch and every corner but couldn't find him anywhere.

Then it hit you..

The hangout spot...

You ran over there and pushed pass the trees and bushes and stumbled into a small crowd. Sunny, Kel, Aubrey and Basil... They all looked injured and out of breath.. Have they been fighting? Even Sunny was bruised up and battered..

You couldn't comprehend what happened when you heard the water splash and the blonde disappear from sight "BASIL!!" you yelled using what ever energy you had left and ran over to the Dock, pushing the shocked Aubrey behind you. Looking into the water where you saw bubbles rising to the top...

Fuck fuck fuck

You cant swim... you cant do anything...

You got pushed to the side before Sunny jumped into the water to attempt and save basil. You wiped the water off your face as your heart rate increased.. oh god could they swim?.. You turned towards Aubrey who was covering her mouth in shock, you stood up and walked towards her.

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