🌿Chapter 9🌿

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Basil changed into new clothes and dried his face before shakily lifting his hand to open the door.

Once he did he saw you looking the the plants by his window sill, you swayed forwards and backwards while humming a tune under your breath. You heard the door creak and turned your head towards the wooden door where Basil stood.

You smiled and waved "You ready to go?" you said holding the now empty can behind your back and walking to stand beside him. He nervously nodded and smiled back at you "Y-yeah.. sorry to keep you waiting" he apologized quietly, fiddling with his fingers as you two began to walk.

"No no, its okay! I enjoyed looking at your plants while waiting, so its fine!" you reassured laughing slightly as you spoke. He nodded and looked at the pavement below you two, kicking tiny stones as you walked.

As you two arrived at the crosswalk you stopped and hummed making Basil stop as well and look at you, wondering what you were thinking "Hmm... have you eaten yet?" you question him.

Basil shook his head no and held his hands together in front of him "Not yet" you nodded and checked your jackets pockets, you pulled out a fairly... large amount of money...

Where did you get that?

You smiled and showed him the money "Let's go buy some food then" you said as you began walking to Gino's, the local pizzeria. Basil looked at you in shock before running to catch up with you "W-wait! You don't need to waste your money on me, i can just eat dinner later!" he exclaimed.

You kept walking and looked at Basil with a small smile on your face "Don't worry about it! I want to treat you anyway so i don't think i'll be wasting my money" you explained putting the money back in your pocket so you wouldn't drop it.

"Ah.. you're... to nice to me" the blonde admitted in a soft whisper, you hummed in confusion and tilted your head "Hmm? What did you say?" you asked him.

Basil's cheeks tinted pink, he turned his head the other way and pursed his lips "N-nothing.."..

You two soon arrived at the small pizzeria next to othermart and went inside. A bell ringed as the door opened and the cashier looked your way, the older man smiled and greeted you two.

You smiled at him and grabbed two menus from him, you looked around for a good table and spotted a two seater by the window. You walked over and sat in one of the chairs, Basil followed you and sat on the opposite side.

"Order whatever you want!" you said handing him the other menu you held, Basil looked at the menu and furrowed his eyebrows. Everything's so expensive...

He looked up at you and saw you scanning the menu for something that peeked your interest "Are you sure?.. Everything's so... expensive" you looked up from the menu and nodded "Yeah of course, i don't mind spending a bit of money for you" you said giving him a smile before looking back at the menu.

He was not about to go wash his face with cold water again..

He gulped and rose his menu high enough to hide his red face "If you're having trouble picking we can just get the same thing.... Basil?" you asked looking at the male who was holding the rather small menu up to his face.

You snorted and put a finger on top of his menu and gently pulled it down "You okay?" you chuckled seeing him flustered. Basil instantly looked down and let go of the menu, leaving you to carry both of them.

He nodded and smiled nervously, fiddling the table cloth covering that wooden table "Y-yup!" he muttered out, His voice cracking slightly. You let out a small laugh and put the two menus together "Alright whatever you say! So you wanna get what I'm getting?" you asked.

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