🌿Chapter 27🌿

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5 days past

It was so boring, the same schedule, the same routine, the same thoughts, the same tears

You didn't leave the house at all, you let Kathryn do everything, groceries, cooking, conversations and much more.

You didn't feel motivated to do anything

You talked to no one but Kathryn and yourself, not like you had much options. Trying to stay in your room and ignore everything, including them..

Shadows, outlines, voices..

fuck it was terrifying

whispering in my ear constantly

why wont they leave me alone

You shook your head and rested back on your bed. It was after breakfast and Kathryn went out to buy groceries, so it was just you at home alone.

You heard from the neighbours that Basil and Sunny got out of the hospital yesterday. Good for them.

Sunny would be moving away in a few days, you wouldn't blame him. His mother must be going through a tough time and staying in this town is not good for her and Sunny.

You'd move away if you could, start a new life with new friends, new food, new views and just forget

Sadly you can't

You stood in the kitchen looking through the fridge for any sign of food. Nothing..

After walking around the house in dead silence you gave up and walked up to your room. Its been so quiet recently, nothing to do..

You gently closed the door behind you and let out a soft sigh, you flinched and leaned against the door staring at the shadow that stood in front of you.

Its back...

The air went cold as you and the figure held a staring contest, you could feel a head ache coming on as your heart began to beat faster.

"Why are you here?" you questioned it in a soft whisper, no response. Just very.. very faint breathing...

"I thought you left me alone" you said, fear almost obviously laced in your voice.

Nothing but silence...



The figures neck cracked and creaked as soft laughter emitted from it....

Its head dangled from its shoulder and a sickening smile formed on its face..

... Father...?

".. told... yo.. u... so.. " it croaked out

All you could do was stare as it limped closer toward you.

"Ever.. y.. thing.. you.. d.. o..... is.. wrong"



You covered your ears and closed your eyes tight "Shut up!" you yelled. It ignored your words and continued to insult you and degrade you.

"i.. wouldn't... ha.. ve.... died... if... you.... lis.. tened... "

"Basil... ha..tes....you"

You grabbed your guitar on the wall holding it tight and raising it high "SHUT THE FUCK UP" you said slamming the guitar towards it.

The wood broke scattering splinters everywhere, a sour tune erupting from the strings that broke off and whipped your hands. You panted and opened your teary eyes, the shadow was gone. Your guitar in pieces and your hands burning from the whip marks the strings left on your hands.

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